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STUDY 2004 PDF file 159Kb
Retention is not just about motivation

Being motivated enough to cut drug use before treatment entry leads to better outcomes, but even after taking this in to account, this huge US study found outcomes improved the longer patients stayed in residential or non-residential programmes.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 140Kb
Crack: making and sustaining the break

The first UK follow-up study of service use by crack users revealed that after residential crisis intervention practically none avoided relapse without the aid of follow-on treatment, especially residential rehabilitation and attending mutual aid groups.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 156Kb
First randomised trial should reassure needle exchange doubters

From Alaska the first randomised trial of needle exchange found that compared to pharmacy access, the services reduced risky injecting while if anything also reducing the frequency of injecting and of cocaine use.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 129Kb
Working with couples helps client and family

The latest in what experts have called an "impressive" series of studies systematically involving a patient's partner in their treatment for substance dependence found that the benefits extended to naltrexone treatment of opiate dependence.

OFFCUT 2004 PDF file 89Kb
Controversy over screening primary care patients for risky drinking

Just when a World Health Organisation project was seeking to persuade GPs to screen primary care patients for risky drinking, this hotly contested study concluded that universal screening was an ineffective use of health care resources.

OFFCUT 2004 PDF file 157Kb
Study quantifies how much more it will take to control hepatitis C than HIV

Australian study calculates that hepatitis C will only be adequately controlled by reducing the number of sharing partners or the risk from sharing to a fraction of the level at which HIV is controlled.

Hepatitis C and needle exchange

Major series asking what remains a key question - can needle exchanges step up to the challenge of the highly transmissible hepatitis C virus? Features city case studies and forensic examination of the British record.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 784Kb
Hepatitis C and needle exchange part 3: the British record

Reveals the paucity of evidence that exchanges in Britain have directly reduced risk behaviour or infection spread, and the hidden flaw in the seminal pilot study. Lack of real impact is probably less the problem than lack of real evidence of impact.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 1222Kb
Hepatitis C and needle exchange part 4: the active ingredients

Final part of the series pulls together the threads in the form of the limitations which threaten viral control and the practice ingredients which hold promise for the future. A revitalised agenda commensurate with the challenge of hepatitis C.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 947Kb
Doing it together strengthens families and helps prevent substance use

Origins and achievements of the US programme singled out by British reviewers as the most promising "effective intervention over the longer-term for the primary prevention of alcohol misuse".

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