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REVIEW 2012 HTM file
The effects of family therapies for adolescent delinquency and substance abuse: a meta-analysis

Review assesses the effectiveness selling points of four largely ‘privatised’ brand-name family therapies for troubled and delinquent teens. Yes, they work better than usual or individualised approaches, but not much and not always, and most of the research has been done by people who stand to gain from positive findings.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Treatment of adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: Main findings of a randomized controlled trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in The Netherlands

US research led by the programme’s developers has found that a family therapy which intervenes across a child’s social environment is more effective than alternatives for problem substance using teenagers, but this independent Dutch study found one-to-one cognitive-behavioural therapy just as effective, a finding at odds with the five-nation European study of which it formed a part.

STUDY 2013 HTM file
Multidimensional family therapy lowers the rate of cannabis dependence in adolescents: A randomised controlled trial in Western European outpatient settings

Multi-national European trial partially confirms US findings from research led by the programme’s developers that a family therapy which intervenes across a child’s social environment is more effective than alternatives for problem substance using teenagers.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
A randomized pilot study of the Engaging Moms Program for family drug court

US researchers may have found a better way to support mothers at risk of losing custody of their children so they engage in and benefit from substance use treatment and meet family court requirements, meaning more children can safely stay with their parents.

STUDY 2013 HTM file
The Citizenship Project part II: Impact of a citizenship intervention on clinical and community outcomes for persons with mental illness and criminal justice involvement

This US study found that among people with serious mental illness and a history of criminal justice involvement, an intervention intended to foster citizenship through peer mentoring, education and activities, reduced alcohol and drug use and enhanced quality of life and satisfaction with social, leisure and work activities.

Couples therapies

‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. Entries on one of only two types of therapies recommended for alcohol and/or drug users by NICE, the UK’s official health intervention advisers. Best known of these in the substance use sector focuses on a daily ritual in which the couple reaffirm and reinforce the user’s intention to stay drug-free/sober.

REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Alliance in couple and family therapy

This meta-analytic review commissioned by the American Psychological Association revealed that relationships between therapists and couples or families are as important as in individual therapy. Practice recommendations will aid therapists working with couples and families, among the most effective ways to treat substance use problems.

REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Behavioral couples therapy for substance abusers: where do we go from here?

Problem drinkers and drug users in a persisting if distressed relationship with a partner do better when the focus is at least partly shifted from the patient to working with the couple to foster sobriety-encouraging interactions. Benefits for patients and the broader society can be remarkable.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 155Kb
Achievable and avoidable rewards and punishments improve methadone outcomes

Contingency management regimes which systematically reward abstinence or penalise drug use generally improve outcomes in methadone programmes, but there are considerable ethical and practical limitations to the applicability of this approach.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Using enhanced and integrated services to improve response to standard methadone treatment: changing the clinical infrastructure of treatment networks

Heroin addicts in Baltimore who still used drugs heavily despite being on methadone were sent to a special clinic for intensified care reinforced by sanctions and incentives and eventual discharge if still they failed to comply. Tough love perhaps, but does it really make sense to intensify compliance requirements on patients already not complying?

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