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Self help: don't leave it to the patients 826Kb PDF file

Keith Humphreys and colleagues report on a workgroup of US experts on substance abuse self-help organisations. Main conclusion: self-help groups are too valuable to leave to chance. They should be actively promoted and facilitated by treatment services and policymakers.

Wet day centres in Britain part 2: Care Control Challenge 813Kb PDF file

Part 2 of our mini-series on wet day centres in Britain will ring bells not just for alcohol workers but also for drug workers in needle exchanges and drop-in services. Maureen Crane and Tony Warnes analyse what it takes to work productively in one of the most challenging of settings.

The motivational hallo 813Kb PDF file

Part 3 of the Manners Matter series investigates motivational interviewing, the most influential counselling style in addiction treatment. At first we couldn't believe what we'd found - but it really has worked best without a manual.

New reviews, meta-analyses and evidence-based resources 232Kb PDF file

Newly published overviews and assessments of the evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce alcohol or drug problems.

Overdose causes and prevention

Investing in alcohol treatment

In treatment, manners matter

Hepatitis C and needle exchange

Wet day centres in Britain