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Hepatitis C and needle exchange part 1: The dimensions of the challenge 1150Kb PDF file

First part of the series established that hepatitis C has already infected a substantial minority of British injectors and is spreading rapidly due to continued risk behaviour allied with the robustness, infectivity and prevalence of the virus.

Interesting times in the pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence 665Kb PDF file

A trio of US experts led by Hugh Myrick guide you through the pharmaceuticals now making the headlines in alcohol withdrawal and anti-relapse therapy.

The American STAR comes to England 1238Kb PDF file

The Midwestern Prevention Project gained pride of place in US guides, received the accolades of experts, and was the original model for the English national drug education trial, yet the evidence for this US school-community programme was seriously flawed.

Much more than outcomes 601Kb PDF file

The principles behind this treatment monitoring system developed in Leeds remain relevant: grounded in a theory of addiction, it can accommodate the shifting priorities of politicians or commissioners without threatening its scientific integrity.

First list of reviews, meta-analyses and evidence-based resources 336Kb PDF file

Newly published overviews and assessments of the evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce alcohol or drug problems.

Eighth glossary of technical terms related to the evaluation of interventions 218Kb PDF file

Updated and additional scientific and statistical definitions adapted to the context of drug and alcohol interventions.

STUDY Failure to replicate positive findings on acupuncture 160Kb PDF file

STUDY Disappointing results in test of 'culturally competent' services 161Kb PDF file

STUDY US version of Skills for Adolescence modestly retards growth of substance use 129Kb PDF file

STUDY What happens when heroin supplies dry up? 130Kb PDF file

STUDY Health funders cut their own costs by commissioning substance use treatment 162Kb PDF file

STUDY Arrest referral tackles drug-driven crime 148Kb PDF file

STUDY Drug court passes rare randomised trial 186Kb PDF file

STUDY UK-style school drug prevention programme helps prevent regular drinking 182Kb PDF file

STUDY Addressing heavy drinking by needle exchange users could reduce infection risk 193Kb PDF file

STUDY Injury rate cut in heavy drinking accident and emergency patients 172Kb PDF file

STUDY Family doctors' alcohol advice plus follow up cuts long-term medical and social costs 168Kb PDF file

STUDY Motivational interviews as a standalone or treatment-entry response to stimulant use 134Kb PDF file

STUDY Engaging crack users in treatment: time is of the essence 193Kb PDF file

STUDY First large-scale randomised trial boosts case for heroin prescribing 235Kb PDF file

REVIEW Lofexidine safe and effective in opiate detoxification 178Kb PDF file

STUDY Systematic but simple way to determine who needs residential care 177Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Sex education and drug lessons face similar problems 128Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Restricted view creates impression of 'chronic relapsing condition' 151Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Leading Australian treatment centre distills its experience in to practical guides 259Kb PDF file

Overdose causes and prevention

Investing in alcohol treatment

In treatment, manners matter

Hepatitis C and needle exchange

Wet day centres in Britain