How do women’s substance use problems, needs and outcomes differ from those of men? To mark International Women’s Day 2020, a collection of interventions that further our understanding of how sex and gender can influence the course of addiction and treatment, with a particular focus on women starting with the analyses most recently added or updated, totalling today 72 documents.
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Client-receptive treatment more important than treatment-receptive clients
A careful analysis of US drug counselling confirms that engaging with treatment is linked to good outcomes and that both depend on how well the counsellor relates to the client, which cannot be reduced to simplistic matching on gender and race.
STUDY 2000 PDF file 117Kb
Acupuncture yet to convince
Three trials which treated alcohol or cocaine dependent patients with acupuncture at sites on the ear recommended for addiction or at nearby 'sham' sites failed to demonstrate an advantage for the recommended sites.
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