One of only two types of therapies recommended for alcohol and/or drugs users by NICE, the UK’s official health intervention advisers. The most well known variant in the substance use sector focuses on a daily ritual in which the couple reaffirm and reinforce the user’s intention to that day stay drug-free/sober, together with techniques for promoting positive activities and communication. A collection starting with the analyses most recently added or updated, totalling today 13 documents.
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STUDY 2004 PDF file 129Kb
Working with couples helps client and family
The latest in what experts have called an "impressive" series of studies systematically involving a patient's partner in their treatment for substance dependence found that the benefits extended to naltrexone treatment of opiate dependence.
REVIEW 2004 PDF file 967Kb
Take the network into treatment
Distinguished US authors summarise the evidence for a new direction in the treatment of substance abuse problems - harnessing friends, lovers, sons, daughters and workmates to reconstruct the incentives in a client's life.
REVIEW 1999 PDF file 841Kb
How brief can you get?
Three pioneering British studies dating back to the late '70s showed that alcohol problems could be reduced without intensive (and expensive) treatments. The implications were and remain immense, the controversy fierce.
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