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STUDY 1999 PDF file 217Kb
Promising approach to dual diagnosis

In the USA two prominent forms of integrated care for seriously mentally ill substance abusers proved equally effective, but by the end of the study assertive community treatment had become more cost-effective than standard case management.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 104Kb
'Wet shelter' becomes home for street drinkers

After an uncertain start, an experimental project based in London's East End safely housed long-term rough sleepers unwilling to stop drinking, connecting them to medical and other services whilst allowing drinking on the premises.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 154Kb
Assertive outreach for mentally ill problem substance users: follow the manual

Major US study finds that the impact of assertive outreach to engage and deliver services to people with serious mental health and substance use problems is crucially dependent on whether the key features of the approach are faithfully implemented.

IN PRACTICE 2001 PDF file 280Kb
Monitoring with MAP: the Maudsley Addiction Profile

Broad-ranging yet brief with a research pedigree and tailor-made for Britain, MAP is fast becoming the gold standard in routine outcome monitoring. The chief MAPmaker describes his creation.

REVIEW 2001 PDF file 1630Kb
Idle hands

Like paper on the wall, the fact that the vast majority of Britain's drug treatment clients are unemployed goes unremarked. Could work promote their recovery? This unique review assesses the evidence and outlines recent projects and policy initiatives.

STUDY 2002 PDF file 164Kb
Still little evidence for matching client with same-gender or same-race therapist

Following negative findings for group therapy, a study of cocaine counselling found that even in one-to-one therapy, matching clients and therapists by gender or race does not improve retention or outcomes. Extended text includes comprehensive review.

STUDY 2002 PDF file 431Kb
For crack users, non-residential rehabilitation can match residential

US crack users with no pressing reasons to enter residential versus non-residential rehabilitation did as well in either. Residential care is still needed (see Extended text) for patients it is unsafe or impractical to treat as outpatients.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 177Kb
Systematic but simple way to determine who needs residential care

In this US study the criteria and the methods used to develop them offer a way to reserve expensive residential rehabilitation for those who need it and to improve treatment completion rates in both residential and non-residential settings.

REVIEW 2003 PDF file 1826Kb
Hepatitis C and needle exchange part 2: case studies

Six case studies show how the complex balance of exchange services can be disrupted, leaving hepatitis C and HIV spreading rapidly. Common themes are resource starvation, local hostility, counterproductive restrictions and a non-interventionist ethic. Includes influential early studies dating from 1992.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 190Kb
How to identify retention-enhancing alcohol counsellors

A Finnish study of problem drinkers offers a practical way to identify retention-enhancing therapists in advance which could be used in recruitment and training.

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