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DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
The Patel report: Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders

Investigation and recommendations from an expert group on drug treatment and interventions for people in prison in England calls for a clear focus on recovery and for the commissioning and coordination measures needed to improve outcomes without extra resources.

NOTES 2010 PDF file 239Kb
Preventing unauthorised use of medications prescribed for the treatment of opiate addiction

Detailed and fully referenced notes on preventing the diversion of maintenance medications like methadone on to the illicit market, with an emphasis on the pros and cons of supervised consumption.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 108Kb
1 in a 100 chance of dying after treatment with heroin-blocking drug

In Australia heroin-addicted patients trying to avoid relapse by taking the opiate-blocking drug naltrexone had at least a 1 in a 100 chance of dying within three months, usually from overdose in the weeks after treatment ended; the true figure may have been as high as 8 in a 100.

OFFCUT 2006 PDF file 137Kb
Gaps in British harm reduction defences permit minor resurgence in HIV infection

Gaps in harm reduction defences are permitting a minor resurgence in HIV infection in Britain and continued high rate of spread of hepatitis C; each year of the 2000s injectors were two to three times more likely to be infected with HIV than in the mid-90s.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 139Kb
1 out of 61 hepatitis C positive treatment clients starts medical treatment

Despite testing positive for hepatitis C at a laboratory in Nottingham, just 1 out the 61 patients whose tests were requested by a drug or alcohol service ended up receiving treatment from six months to two and a half years after diagnosis, a dramatic failure to respond to the disease.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 114Kb
Harm reduction education successfully extended to illegal drugs

A small sample of Canadian schools generally endorsed the appropriateness of harm reduction education for older teenagers, and in the two which implemented the programme, substance use and related damage and risk were curbed compared to other local schools.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
HIV infection during limited versus combined HIV prevention programs for IDUs in New York City: the importance of transmission behaviors

From New York, a success story of the reversal of a serious epidemic of HIV among injectors, with mass needle exchange in the starring role. It adds weight to studies which collectively indicate that multi-strand approaches featuring high-coverage syringe provision can curb the spread of HIV.

REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Refocusing drug-related law enforcement to address harms

'Target enforcement to reduce individual and community harm' is the premise of this report from a UK drug policy think tank, one which seems widely understood, though in some quarters, deeply contested.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 114Kb
Low threshold methadone extends life expectancy in Barcelona

Largely due to the expansion of low threshold oral methadone maintenance programmes, in the '90s the life expectancy of heroin users entering treatment in Barcelona increased by 21 years. Protecting against overdose was the main way methadone saved lives.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 152Kb
Naltrexone implants prevent opiate overdose

Short-acting opiate blockers are associated with high overdose rates when heroin-dependent patients stop taking them. This Australian study suggests that a product intended to block opiates for six months can overcome that problem, though patients may resort to sedatives instead.

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