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DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
The Patel report: Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders

Investigation and recommendations from an expert group on drug treatment and interventions for people in prison in England calls for a clear focus on recovery and for the commissioning and coordination measures needed to improve outcomes without extra resources.

REVIEW 2010 HTM file
The provision of non-needle/syringe drug injecting paraphernalia in the primary prevention of HCV among IDU: a systematic review

Authors who worked on Scotland's hepatitis C plan conclude that limitations in the research mean the best that can be said is that attending needle exchanges which provide injecting paraphernalia may be associated with reduced sharing of this equipment.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
The National Drug Related Deaths Database (Scotland) report 2009

New database offering in-depth information on drug deaths in Scotland reveals that 60% of cases had been in contact with drug treatment services, nearly 40% in the past six months, suggesting that there had been chances to intervene which for these patients had been insufficient to avoid death.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Reducing sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol for patients in substance abuse treatment

At issue was whether among men in treatment for substance use problems the standard one session of HIV education could be improved on by five sessions including motivational exercises and skills training. In the short term there were greater reductions in sex under the influence but these did not last.

DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Drug misuse statistics Scotland 2010

Statistical picture of drug misuse in Scotland in 2009 and 2010 including treatment and criminal justice caseloads and health impacts, plus trends over recent years.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Brief counseling for reducing sexual risk and bacterial STIs among drug users. Results from project RESPECT

Across this large US study, injectors responded to sexual risk-reduction counselling as well as non-injectors; the evidence was there a year later in fewer infections. But why was what should have been the strongest intervention actually the weakest among this group, yet not among non-injectors?

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Effect of motivational interviewing on reduction of alcohol use

At Californian methadone clinics, group education sessions led by a nurse and focused on the risks of aggravating hepatitis infection led to the same substantial reductions in drinking as one-to-one or group motivational interviewing conducted by highly trained counsellors, offering a cost-effective means to reduce alcohol-related risks.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
An evaluation of a heroin overdose prevention and education campaign

Faced with rapidly increasing heroin overdose deaths, the Australian state of Victoria mounted a media campaign targeted at drug users via treatment and needle exchange services. The results illuminate the limitations of such campaigns as much as their plus points.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Naltrexone implants compared to methadone: outcomes six months after prison release

In the first study of its kind opiate-dependent prisoners in Norway were randomly allocated to a six-month implant which blocks the effects of heroin or to methadone which substitutes for heroin as a way of bridging the period after release. Among the few interested in either option, they led to equivalent reductions in opiate use and crime.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Women in drug treatment: what the latest figures reveal

National health authority responsible for promoting addiction treatment in says the data shows that women are proportionally well-represented in drug treatment programmes and that services reflect the specific needs of women and their changing patterns of drug use.

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