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STUDY 2010 HTM file
Favorable mortality profile of naltrexone implants for opiate addiction
Few treatments for opiate addiction arouse as much controversy as naltrexone implants. Inserted under the skin, these block the effects of heroin for up to several months - for some, a magic bullet, for others, an unsafe and ethically dubious experiment. More evidence from Australia that the overdose death risk is less than with oral forms of the drug.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A review of opioid dependence treatment: pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to treat opioid addiction
This wide-ranging review uniquely draws together findings from authoritative reviews of rigorous research conducted for the Cochrane collaboration and later studies concerned with the pharmacological and psychosocial treatment of dependence on opiate-type drugs like heroin, concluding that retention is the common key to success.
DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Consideration of the use of foil, as an intervention, to reduce the harms of injecting heroin and
The evidence which led the UK government's drug policy advisers to call for the legalisation of the supply of foil by medical and drug services to drug users to promote transition from injecting to smoking heroin and crack cocaine.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Impact of supervision of methadone consumption on deaths related to methadone overdose (1993-2008): analyses using OD4 index in England and Scotland
Introduced in Scotland and England in the mid-late 1990s to prevent overdose, did supervised consumption of methadone really make methadone maintenance safer? After accounting for increased prescribing, this analysis concludes that it did curb methadone-related deaths.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Psychosocial interventions for reducing injection and sexual risk behaviour for preventing HIV in drug users
This systematic review of 35 trials found that several sessions of information and skills training were no more effective than minimal educational interventions at reducing the kind of substance use and sexual behaviour which risks HIV infection in drug users who inject and/or use cocaine.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Does successful school-based prevention of bullying influence substance use among 13- to
Intriguing suggestion from a Norwegian study that taking measures to effectively reduce bullying in schools (including improving the social climate and setting clear and consistently enforced boundaries) also curbs the development of forms of substance use most associated with disturbed child development.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Optimal provision of needle and syringe programmes for injecting drug users: a systematic review
This thorough review formed the evidential basis for recent guidance from England's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence on how best to distribute sterile syringes. Maximising the proportion of injections done with sterile equipment is the key objective.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Were the changes to Sweden’s maintenance treatment policy 2000–06 related to changes in opiate-related mortality and morbidity?
Ironically, the fact that opiate substitute prescribing has been opposed and limited in Sweden has meant that country has been able provide solid evidence of its lifesaving potential. This study concluded that easing the restrictions was associated with and may have led to fewer opiate-related deaths.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Does opioid substitution treatment in prisons reduce injecting-related HIV risk behaviours? A systematic review
Maintenance prescribing of drugs like methadone to heroin-dependent prisoners seems to reduce injecting and the sharing of injecting equipment, changes which should reduce the risk of becoming infected with HIV.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
The impact of a supervised injecting facility on ambulance call-outs in Sydney, Australia
Evidence that the supervised injecting centre which opened in 2001 in Sydney’s ‘red light’ district resulted in fewer opioid overdoses requiring an ambulance, relieving pressure on emergency services.
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