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STUDY 2001 PDF file 193Kb
Lasting benefits of drug treatment in England

The NTORS study shows that substantial improvements in crime and drug use seen by the end of the first year after starting drug dependence treatment persisted to five years, though a large minority of the sample were still regularly using illegal drugs.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 111Kb
Careful induction prevents overdose deaths among methadone patients

Studies from Australia and Scotland both find that overdose death during methadone maintenance is closely related to continued illegal drug use in the early stages of treatment.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 121Kb
Community solidarity and civil law important tools in reducing drug-related nuisance and crime

Lessons from Australia and the USA about the potentially harm-producing effects of police crackdowns on street drug dealing and use scenes and the benefits to the community of collective action on the part of residents and property owners.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 144Kb
Methadone's failures respond to heroin

A large-scale trial in Switzerland suggests that despite failures with other treatments, many long-term heroin addicts respond well to a treatment based on injectable heroin.

REVIEW 2000 PDF file 2709Kb
Overdosing on opiates part I: causes

The most thorough review to date of the greatest risk posed by illegal drug use in Britain. An international team of authors analyses the causes and finds they go way beyond just taking too much. Includes in the “The Swedish experience” on p. 6 of PDF early studies which established methadone’s lifesaving potential.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 148Kb
English residential rehabilitation services doing well but could do better

A report from the UK National Treatment Outcome Research Study (NTORS) spotlights the achievements of residential services for drug users but more could be done to improve retention and it is unclear how much the treatment had to do with the outcomes.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 255Kb
Methadone treatment cost-effective life saver

Three studies which show that getting in to and staying in methadone treatment cost-effectively saves the lives of heroin addicts. Conversely, being denied treatment or discharged for rule-breaking costs lives.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 228Kb
Shared care encourages GPs to treat addiction

In London access to good quality primary care opiate addiction treatment was expanded by a mixture of support from a local specialist GP, training, peer support, financial reimbursements, and shared care guidelines and protocols.

STUDY 1998 HTM file
Changing attitudes and beliefs of staff working in methadone maintenance programs

In Sydney in Australia an official campaign and educational efforts had the desired effect of shifting staff attitudes in methadone maintenance clinics away from achieving abstinence and withdrawal and towards long-term treatment aimed at reducing harm.

STUDY 1996 HTM file
Alternatives to non-clinical regulation: training doctors to deliver methadone maintenance treatment

Seminal study of how to train out socially derived attitudes to methadone maintenance as a policy solution to a social problem and train in attitudes which place it within mainstream medical practice as a treatment of individuals which does not 'fix' their problems but offers the opportunity for positive change.

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