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STUDY 2011 HTM file
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems

What does the Scottish Prison Service need to do to adequately address alcohol problems among inmates? This needs assessment funded by the Scottish Government assesses the size of the problem, identifies the gaps, and recommends ways to plug them based on a review of relevant research.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Scoping study of interventions for offenders with alcohol problems in community justice settings

Investigates what outside prison is being done in Scotland to meet the needs of problem drinking offenders by criminal justice and other services, and assesses whether local arrangements measure up to the size and nature of the task. Non-evidence based funding and the need to develop integrated care pathways emerged as key issues.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Alcohol services in prisons: an unmet need

Prison inspections and surveys of prisoners and staff in England reveal a "depressing picture" of "very limited" services for problem drinking inmates, which leave them with poor prospects on release.

DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
The Patel report: Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders

Investigation and recommendations from an expert group on drug treatment and interventions for people in prison in England calls for a clear focus on recovery and for the commissioning and coordination measures needed to improve outcomes without extra resources.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Population estimates of alcohol misusers who access DWP benefits

Estimates the number of problem drinkers in Britain who draw the main unemployment and welfare benefits in order to assess how many claimants may need additional help for addiction and related problems before they can move into employment. Contrasts with similar figures for problem drug users.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Evidence-based practice? The National Probation Service's work with alcohol-misusing offenders

This report on work in England and Wales describes a system creatively grappling with a huge drink problem among offenders, but one undermined by lack of evidence about what works and by under-resourcing linked to a dispute over whether health or probation should bear the core funding burden.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Results of a type 2 translational research trial to prevent adolescent drug use and delinquency: a test of Communities That Care

With its appealing mix of science and community empowerment, the US Communities That Care prevention process has spread to the UK and other countries. This first randomised trial confirmed that given promising towns and rigorous execution, it can curb adolescent smoking and drinking.

REVIEW 2009 HTM file
A preliminary study of the population-adjusted effectiveness of substance abuse prevention programming: towards making IOM program types comparable

One of the biggest strategic decisions facing prevention planners is whether to target high-risk groups or to prioritise universal programmes. This analysis won't decide the issue, but it does create an important new tool for comparing these strategies.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 102Kb
Communities that Care aims for science-based community action

When the Communities that Care prevention methodology was tried in Britain, the existing community development infrastructure determined whether local coalitions could implement its risk profiling tools and effectively generate action to address identified risks.

OFFCUT 2005 PDF file 151Kb
Hepatitis C is spreading more rapidly than was thought

From the early 2000s in Britain there was clear evidence from research and routine monitoring that drug policy was failing to contain hepatitis C infection among injectors, and worrying signs of a trend upwards in HIV infection.

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