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OFFCUT 2005 PDF file 98Kb
Crime and disorder partnerships yet to commit to tackling alcohol

When in 2001/02 the Home Office analysed the plans of crime and disorder reduction partnerships in England and Wales they found most linked alcohol to violence and disorder or anti-social behaviour, but few prioritised tackling the link or set explicit targets.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 140Kb
Flexible DTTOs do most to cut crime

More flexible supervision requirements and more methadone treatment may account for why treatment-based court orders are completed far more often in Scotland than in England, improving recidivism rates.

ABSTRACT 2008 HTM file
Improving public addiction treatment through performance contracting: the Delaware experiment

Instead of telling addiction treatment providers what to do to qualify for funding, the US state of Delaware set recruitment and engagement targets and largely left the methods up to the services. Result: more and more engaging treatment without stifling innovation.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Drug and alcohol services in Scotland

Scotland's national audit body assesses value for money from drug and alcohol services. It found systems poorly informed by the problems to be addressed and what works in addressing them, and in respect of drugs, unclear about what 'value' consists of.

REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care: scientific rationale and promising practices

Sweeping, learned but practice-oriented tour-de-force from the US recovery advocate who sees the creation of a recovery-friendly environment as the best way to ensure a lasting resolution of substance use problems with or without abstinence.

The primary prevention of hepatitis C among injecting drug users

To curb hepatitis C, UK government advisers call for substantial expansion of needle exchange provision so that a new set of equipment is available for every injection and for methadone programmes to provide access to injecting equipment and vice versa.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Organizational- and individual-level correlates of posttreatment substance use: a multilevel analysis

Using advanced methods, this US study asked what makes for an effective treatment agency. Being constrained by funders in terms of services and ability to individualise treatments was the clearest negative factor, quality accreditation the clearest positive.

STUDY 2007 HTM file
The costs and consequences of three policy options for reducing heroin dependency

Australian study addressing an issue greatly exercising the UK: do you get greater returns per £ from residential rehabilitation or from substitute prescribing? In terms of reduction in the frequency of heroin use, prescribing was one-and-a-half to three times more cost-effective.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Reducing alcohol harm: health services in England for alcohol misuse

Official audit of work by the Department of Health and NHS to address the health effects of alcohol misuse. Describes a system whose infrastructure is clearly inadequate compared to the size of the task, but one recently taking steps in the right direction.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Primary care intervention to reduce alcohol misuse: ranking its health impact and cost effectiveness

In this comprehensive analysis, screening for risky drinking and brief advice was estimated to be among the most cost-effective preventive services GPs could offer, ranking alongside common interventions such as screening for high blood pressure or immunisation against influenza.

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