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STUDY 2019 HTM file
Alcohol Abstinence Monitoring Requirement: A review of process and performance from Year 2
What difference could ‘court-ordered sobriety’ make to people committing alcohol-related offences? Two-year study in London boroughs gives a sense of what to expect before a national rollout of the programme in 2020.
DOCUMENT 2019 HTM file
Prison Drugs Strategy
National agency responsible for prison and probation services in England and Wales announces three-point plan for tackling the presence of drugs and drug use problems, based on the principles of restricting supply, reducing demand, and building recovery.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Alcohol-use disorders: Preventing the development of hazardous and harmful drinking
In these UK national prevention guidelines, experts prioritised population-wide changes like price rises and outlet restrictions which affect everyone, independent of the choices they make. But in England government prefers to target what they see as the troublesome minority, not the responsible majority.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell D5: Organisational functioning; Safeguarding the community
Key research on the influence of the treatment organisation on the effectiveness of drug treatment in the criminal justice system and allied settings. Asks whether the criminal justice context enhances or limits treatment (perhaps both), whether quality is better in smaller services, and whether treatment services should see themselves as family services.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Adaptive programming improves outcomes in drug court: an experimental trial
Latest in an impressively coherent and persistent series of studies of how US courts specialising in supervision and treatment of drug-related offenders can do more to reduce drug use and crime. Triaging offenders to more or less intensive programmes and then adjusting based on actual progress made significant differences.
DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Drug misuse and dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management
Last published in 2007, there is no more important document for UK clinicians involved in treating problem drug use than the so-called ‘Orange guidelines’. This major update offers detailed guidance on the range of problems, settings and patients clinicians encounter, substantially informing judgements of what constitutes good medical practice.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Changing patterns of substance misuse in adult prisons and service responses
Inspection findings on individual prisons were supplemented by fieldwork in eight prisons in 2014 to generate an overall picture of drug use and responses to it in prisons and England and Wales. In the face of rapidly changing and varied drug use patterns, policy and operational responses were seen as insufficiently flexible and dynamic, though treatment had dramatically improved.
DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
2017 Drug Strategy
Continuing in the vein of its precursor, the UK Government’s new drug strategy pledges to tackle drug use and dependence through reducing demand, restricting supply, and building recovery, and adds to this a further ambition to drive global action.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Using behavioral triage in court-supervised treatment of DUI offenders
From California, the first evaluation of a system which escalated drink/drug drivers to treatment if they failed a less intensive sentence found significantly reduced recidivism and accidents, and evidence that injuries related to accidents also fell.
STUDY 2016 HTM file
After FDAC: outcomes 5 years later (final report)
Five-year follow-up of London families finds better outcomes among those in the Family Drug and Alcohol Court than ordinary care proceedings.
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