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STUDY 2000 PDF file 104Kb
'Wet shelter' becomes home for street drinkers
After an uncertain start, an experimental project based in London's East End safely housed long-term rough sleepers unwilling to stop drinking, connecting them to medical and other services whilst allowing drinking on the premises.
STUDY 2000 PDF file 115Kb
Brief intervention leaves teenage drinkers less likely to revisit accident and emergency
A brief intervention intended to reducing harmful/risky drinking and tested on teenagers attending a US emergency unit after an alcohol-related incident substantially cut the number of alcohol-related injuries over the next six months.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 220Kb
Alcohol-related violence cut when licensees adopt and implement codes of conduct
Analyses of five local accords targeting alcohol-related violence in Australian town centres, each based on a code of practice for licensees to counter competitive pressures. All achieved a degree of success, sometimes dramatic.
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