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STUDY 2008 HTM file
Effects of a universal classroom behavior management program in first and second grades on young adult behavioral, psychiatric, and social outcomes
In their first years at school, Baltimore pupils formed teams which could earn prizes and praise for good behaviour; 14 years later many fewer young lives were marred by substance-related problems, threatened by smoking, or on track to cause serious social problems.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Independent review of the effects of alcohol pricing and promotion
Commissioned by the English health department, the first study to model the impacts of alcohol policies by integrating data on pricing, promotion, purchasing, consumption and harm found that raising price or banning promotions can bring major benefits. The findings helped persuade government to introduce a minimum per unit price for alcohol.
STUDY 2007 HTM file
Outcomes of a prospective trial of student-athlete drug testing: the Student Athlete Testing Using Random Notification (SATURN) Study
First randomised follow-up study offers little support for randomly testing US school pupils for drug or alcohol use, adding to a slim evidence base which has so far found little benefit to justify the risks and the costs.
STUDY 2007 HTM file
Analysis of South Dakota 24-7 Sobriety program data
Analysis of data routinely collected by South Dakota's 24/7 Sobriety project reveals that offenders test alcohol-free at 99% of the scheduled twice-daily tests intended to enforce abstinence via the threat of a bail violation leading to immediate brief imprisonment.
REVIEW 2006 PDF file 1464Kb
Motivational arm twisting: contradiction in terms?
Part 4 of the Manners Matter series asks whether motivational interviewing can overcome the hostile prison environment and the distrust of youngsters, drink drivers and other offenders pressured into counselling by the criminal justice system.
REVIEW 2006 PDF file 856Kb
Case management
An expert Euro-US collaboration led by Wouter Vanderplasschen from Belgium examines what in Britain is now seen as the core mechanism for transforming isolated episodes of care into coherently staged and comprehensive reintegration programmes.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 196Kb
Patient-focused alcohol treatment aids wives and children too
Whether families benefit from alcohol treatment as well as the patients has rarely been studied. This US analysis demonstrated that they do, positioning alcohol treatment as also contributing to child and family welfare objectives.
IN PRACTICE 2005 PDF file 1242Kb
Wet day centres in Britain part 1: planning and setting up
Solid guidance based on a detailed analysis of UK centres offering street drinkers a place where they can start to reverse years of deterioration without having first to stop drinking. In this extraordinarily difficult task, good planning is key.
OFFCUT 2005 PDF file 98Kb
Crime and disorder partnerships yet to commit to tackling alcohol
When in 2001/02 the Home Office analysed the plans of crime and disorder reduction partnerships in England and Wales they found most linked alcohol to violence and disorder or anti-social behaviour, but few prioritised tackling the link or set explicit targets.
IN PRACTICE 2005 PDF file 813Kb
Wet day centres in Britain part 2: Care Control Challenge
Part 2 of our mini-series on wet day centres in Britain will ring bells not just for alcohol workers but also for drug workers in needle exchanges and drop-in services. Maureen Crane and Tony Warnes analyse what it takes to work productively in one of the most challenging of settings.
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