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REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Prohibiting public drinking in urban public spaces: a review of the evidence

So-called 'alcohol-free zones' have proliferated across the UK, preventing an individual drinking in public if police believe their drinking is causing a problem. This review of such measures finds they do reassure communities, but at the expense of further marginalising street drinkers.

STUDY 2016 HTM file
Measurable effects of local alcohol licensing policies on population health in England

For the first time, a study in England has shown that the more strongly a local government area regulates the licensing of alcohol outlets, the greater the reduction in alcohol-related harm within the population, as reflected in the number of hospital admissions.

STUDY 2020 HTM file
Effective age-gating for online alcohol sales

How do online retailers seek to prevent underage alcohol sales in the UK, how effective are current methods, and how far short are they of a truly effective system?

STUDY 2017 HTM file
The intervention effect of local alcohol licensing policies on hospital admission and crime: a natural experiment using a novel Bayesian synthetic time-series method

Variations in the implementation of alcohol licensing policies across England presented a natural opportunity to study the impact of discretionary powers. Between 2011 and 2015, local areas with a more ‘hands on’ approach to enforcement saw moderate reductions in alcohol-related hospital admissions and violent and sexual crimes.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 220Kb
Alcohol-related violence cut when licensees adopt and implement codes of conduct

Analyses of five local accords targeting alcohol-related violence in Australian town centres, each based on a code of practice for licensees to counter competitive pressures. All achieved a degree of success, sometimes dramatic.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 220Kb
Community action cuts drink-driving deaths

A major US multi-site trial provides convincing evidence that comprehensive community action featuring more intensive enforcement can more than pay for itself by reducing drink-drive crashes and injuries.

REVIEW 2003 PDF file 1010Kb
Just say, 'No sir'

Tim Stockwell identifies strategies which promote responsible alcohol service in licensed premises and which can improve public health, safety and order. The trick is to create the motivation to implement and sustain them against competitive pressures.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Internationally proven community alcohol crime and harm reduction programmes feasible in Britain

Three projects have shown that British communities can generate the kind of coordinated action which new reports from the USA and Sweden have shown curtail alcohol-related violence and injury and create substantial cost-savings for society.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 167Kb
Police and licensees working together curb violent incidents in Cardiff

A multi-agency project led by police focused on improving the management of licensed premises and modifying violence-generating features of the nighttime city centre. The result was to curb the rise in violence seen elsewhere in Wales.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 153Kb
Communities can reduce drink-driving deaths

A multi-million dollar attempt to equip US communities to tackle substance misuse only succeeded in reducing alcohol-related traffic deaths when treatment initiatives were supplemented by measures to limit the availability of alcohol.

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