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DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
An introduction to extended-release injectable naltrexone for the treatment of people with opioid dependence
Few treatments arouse as much controversy as long-acting naltrexone implants or injections which promise to block the effects of heroin for up to several months. But in the USA the injected form has been licensed for treating opioid dependence. This document offers official US clinical guidance to doctors undertaking the treatment.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Impact of supervision of methadone consumption on deaths related to methadone overdose (1993-2008): analyses using OD4 index in England and Scotland
Introduced in Scotland and England in the mid-late 1990s to prevent overdose, did supervised consumption of methadone really make methadone maintenance safer? After accounting for increased prescribing, this analysis concludes that it did curb methadone-related deaths.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
A randomized trial of methadone initiation prior to release from incarceration
This US randomised trial in Rhode Island among formerly opiate dependent prisoners found that starting methadone treatment in prison radically improved treatment uptake on release and reduced heroin and cocaine use over the following six months, confirming results from Baltimore.
DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Drug misuse statistics Scotland 2011
Statistical picture of drug misuse in Scotland in 2010/11 including treatment and criminal justice caseloads and health impacts, plus trends over recent years.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective interventions
Review of relevant research by an international team of leading researchers offers policymakers guidance on the interventions most likely on the evidence to achieve national policy aims in respect of illegal drug use.
DOCUMENT 2009 HTM file
Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence
Unequivocal backing from UN agencies for methadone and other forms of long term maintenance treatments as the prime modality for the treatment of dependence on heroin and allied drugs. In contrast say the experts, detoxification results in poor long term outcomes.
DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Consideration of the use of foil, as an intervention, to reduce the harms of injecting heroin and
The evidence which led the UK government's drug policy advisers to call for the legalisation of the supply of foil by medical and drug services to drug users to promote transition from injecting to smoking heroin and crack cocaine.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Distributing foil from needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) to promote transitions from heroin injecting to chasing: an evaluation
British needle exchanges which piloted distribution of foil packs for smoking heroin found they were widely used and may have increased attendance and reduced the number of injections, lending weight to calls to legalise such provision.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A review of opioid dependence treatment: pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to treat opioid addiction
This wide-ranging review uniquely draws together findings from authoritative reviews of rigorous research conducted for the Cochrane collaboration and later studies concerned with the pharmacological and psychosocial treatment of dependence on opiate-type drugs like heroin, concluding that retention is the common key to success.
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Buprenorphine/naloxone for opioid dependence: clinical practice guideline
Though tailored for Canada, these guidelines from an internationally respected centre offer valuable guidance to clinicians in Britain and elsewhere on a form of the main alternative to methadone for the maintenance treatment of addiction to heroin and allied drugs, one whose greater safety counterbalances greater cost.
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