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STUDY 2010 HTM file
Favorable mortality profile of naltrexone implants for opiate addiction
Few treatments for opiate addiction arouse as much controversy as naltrexone implants. Inserted under the skin, these block the effects of heroin for up to several months - for some, a magic bullet, for others, an unsafe and ethically dubious experiment. More evidence from Australia that the overdose death risk is less than with oral forms of the drug.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Naltrexone implants after in-patient treatment for opioid dependence: randomised controlled trial
In the first randomised trial, implants which block opiate-type drugs for months helped heroin addicts in Norway avoid relapse after detoxification. If these or allied products gain a UK licence, they could help pave the way to abstinence for the minority of suitable addicts.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Heroin maintenance for chronic heroin-dependent individuals
Update of the first authoritative review to combine results from all trials to date of long-term heroin prescribing for the management of heroin addiction finds important advantages for seemingly intractable patients previously failed by methadone, including reduced illegal drug use.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Injectable extended-release naltrexone for opioid dependence: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre randomised trial
In Russia, injecting detoxified opiate addicts with long-acting naltrexone which blocks opiates for a month meant more were able to stay off the drugs, findings which helped persuade US authorities to approve it for this role. Others argue this was precipitate given the lack of evidence on overdose protection.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Naltrexone implants compared to methadone: outcomes six months after prison release
In the first study of its kind opiate-dependent prisoners in Norway were randomly allocated to a six-month implant which blocks the effects of heroin or to methadone which substitutes for heroin as a way of bridging the period after release. Among the few interested in either option, they led to equivalent reductions in opiate use and crime.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Challenges to antagonist blockade during sustained-release naltrexone treatment
Despite being motivated to sustain abstinence and implanted with a drug which should have blocked the effects of opiates, in Norwegian studies most opiate-dependent patients used opiates and about a quarter did so repeatedly.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
The NTA overdose and naloxone training programme for families and carers
Up to 18 lives were known (and more perhaps unrecorded) to have been saved after the National Treatment Agency in England piloted training for the carers of opiate users on how to administer the overdose-reversing drug naloxone. But how does catering for relapse in this way square with the optimism of the recovery movement?
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Overdose training and take-home naloxone for opiate users: prospective cohort study of impact on knowledge and attitudes and subsequent management of overdoses
As concern mounts about Britain's failure to reverse the recent growth in drug-related deaths, the first large-scale UK follow-up study has assessed the impact of training in overdose recognition and management featuring the opiate blocking drug naloxone.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Methadone prescribing under supervised consumption on premises: a Scottish clinician's perspective on prescribing practice
Survey responses from clinicians prescribing methadone at Scottish addiction treatment clinics show how the requirement that patients be observed taking the medication involves striking a balance between safety, individualising treatment, and attracting and retaining patients.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
An evaluation of a heroin overdose prevention and education campaign
Faced with rapidly increasing heroin overdose deaths, the Australian state of Victoria mounted a media campaign targeted at drug users via treatment and needle exchange services. The results illuminate the limitations of such campaigns as much as their plus points.
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