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STUDY 2005 PDF file 166Kb
Continuity vital after prison treatment

Though the original treatments were diametrically opposed, two long-term follow-up studies have confirmed that post-release continuity is vital to sustain the benefits of treatment in prison.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Mortality prior to, during, and after opioid maintenance treatment (OMT): a national prospective cross-registry study

Limited access to opiate substitute prescribing in Norway opened a window on its powerful lifesaving potential, a view obscured in countries where barriers create a confounding selection effect or where everyone who needs and wants this treatment can quickly get it.

OFFCUT 2004 PDF file 145Kb
European report says drug consumption rooms can work

Report surveys European facilities where drug users can consume (especially by injection) in safety, and collates the evidence on their effectiveness in reducing harm and improving the local environment. Benefits depend on sufficient coverage, access and support.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 607Kb
Opiate antagonist treatment risks overdose

The most comprehensive recent study of serious medical incidents during and after treatment for opioid dependence highlighted the risk of overdose death when patients stop taking opiate-blocking drugs. In comparison, substitute prescribing was safer even after the patient had left treatment.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 156Kb
British studies link release from inpatient detoxification and prison to overdose deaths

At a London detoxification unit all three overdose deaths in the four months after discharge involved patients who had successfully detoxified while in Scotland 1 in 200 young injectors died from drug-related causes within two weeks of leaving prison.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 164Kb
Naltrexone implants could reduce the early relapse rate after detoxification

Studies from the UK and Germany suggest that subcutaneous implants of naltrexone which block the effects of heroin for up to seven weeks could help reduce the early relapse rate after detoxification more effectively than the oral form of the medication.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 151Kb
'Most compelling evidence yet' that injecting rooms reduce overdose deaths

A review of all 19 drug consumption rooms in Germany commissioned by the Ministry of Health concluded that they had significantly contributed to reductions in drug-related deaths.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 193Kb
Addressing heavy drinking by needle exchange users could reduce infection risk

Under two hours of risk assessment and motivational sessions cut heavy drinking and equipment sharing among exchange attenders, offering a way to further reduce the risks of overdose, viral infection and the aggravation of pre-existing hepatitis disease.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 130Kb
What happens when heroin supplies dry up?

The 2001 'heroin drought' in Australia can be seen as a test of what might happen if enforcement authorities dramatically reduced heroin supplies in a country with a thriving heroin market patronised by an established population of heroin addicts.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
High risk of overdose death for opiate detoxification completers

Findings from Italy and Australia warn that detoxification without throughgoing stabilisation, preparation and aftercare is too often a band-aid measure which risks more harm then good.

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