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STUDY 2019 HTM file
Do electronic health record prompts increase take-home naloxone administration for emergency department patients after an opioid overdose?
Emergency department physicians regularly treat people who have had an opioid overdose, but they may not be making the most of the opportunity to provide take-home naloxone. Can a prompt in the patients’ electronic health records boost prescribing of this lifesaving ‘overdose antidote’?
STUDY 2019 HTM file
Modelling the combined impact of interventions in averting deaths during a synthetic-opioid overdose epidemic
In the Canadian province of British Columbia there was a rapid rise in overdose deaths from 2015, leading to the declaration of a public health emergency in 2016. The response rested on three key interventions: take-home naloxone, opioid substitution therapy, and drug consumption rooms. The province’s highly detailed surveillance data offered an opportunity to estimate their collective and individual impacts on opioid overdose deaths.
STUDY 2019 HTM file
One opioid user saving another: the first study of an opioid overdose-reversal and naloxone distribution program addressing hard-to-reach drug scenes in Denmark
A Danish programme targeted potential bystanders of opioid overdoses, providing training and supplies of the ‘overdose antidote’ naloxone. People who use opioids were the most likely to intervene in an overdose situation, highlighting their positive role as “public health collaborators”.
REVIEW 2016 HTM file
Are take-home naloxone programmes effective? Systematic review utilizing application of the Bradford Hill criteria
How confident can we be that take-home naloxone programmes are effective without the ‘gold standard’ randomised trial? Judged against nine criteria for establishing the presumption of causality, evidence that the provision of naloxone reduces overdose-related deaths among opioid users.
STUDY 2018 HTM file
“Once I’d done it once it was like writing your name”: Lived experience of take-home naloxone administration by people who inject drugs
Important implications for overdose prevention policy and practice in Scotland and the UK from this qualitative study which provides the first detailed insights into how people who inject drugs experience administering naloxone rescue kits.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell E1: Local and national systems; Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies relating to local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively reducing harm.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell D1: Organisational functioning; Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the influence of the organisation on reducing drug-related harm.
Drug Matrix cell C1: Management/supervision: Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the role of management and supervision in reducing harm associated with illegal drug use.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell B1: Practitioners; Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the impact of the practitioner on harm reduction. Trust emerges as a fundamental ingredient to harm reduction work with users of illegal drugs. Reconceptualise needle exchanges as safe havens in a largely rejecting world, and explore why a Philadelphia methadone counsellor stood out – for the wrong reasons.
Drug Matrix cell A1: Interventions; Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the effectiveness of harm reduction interventions such as needle exchanges.
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