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Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell E5: Treatment systems; Safeguarding the community

Key studies on local, regional and national systems for treatment in criminal justice settings and/or to benefit the community. A review argues that despite radically different starting points, criminal justice and treatment must collaborate to deliver treatment. Question its key ingredients for collaboration, ask yourself how far collaboration should go, and ponder why problem drinking is so prominent among prisoners, yet not among prison services.

STUDY 2018 HTM file
A randomized, open label trial of methadone continuation versus forced withdrawal in a combined US prison and jail: findings at 12 months post-release

From the USA, a rare randomised trial found in favour of continuing methadone maintenance when patients entered prison rather than compulsory withdrawal. The potential benefits were most apparent in the near-100% continuation of protective treatment during the highly overdose-prone weeks after leaving prison.

DOCUMENT 2018 HTM file
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland’s strategy to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths

Taking a public health and human rights-based approach, the 2018 strategy from Scotland strives to improve citizens’ lives by preventing and reducing the harms of drinking and drug use.

Drug Treatment Matrix cell E5: Treatment systems; Safeguarding the community

Seminal and key studies on how local treatment systems can protect the community. The task is to meld enforcement pressure and surveillance focused on crime with the patient-centred ethos of treatment. Asks whether coercion and/or collaboration with enforcement undermine treatment’s community protection impacts, and whether to maximally reduce crime, treatment systems should focus on coercion or on voluntary engagement.

STUDY 2016 HTM file
Effectiveness of Scotland’s National Naloxone Programme for reducing opioid-related deaths: a before (2006–10) versus after (2011–13) comparison

In 2011 Scotland became the first country to fund a national policy of distributing the opiate-blocker naloxone to prevent deaths involving opiate-type drugs. According to this evaluation it did prevent deaths where the effect was most likely to be seen – in the weeks after release from prison.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Impact of opioid substitution therapy for Scotland’s prisoners on drug-related deaths soon after prisoner release

Failure to find effects concentrated in the first two weeks after release persuaded analysts that widespread methadone prescribing in Scottish prisons from 2002 did not reduce the rate of drug-related deaths after release. But over 12 weeks the rate did fall substantially, and methadone treatment may have helped.

STUDY 2013 HTM file
Criminal justice responses to drug related crime in Scotland

In one expert package, the recent history, results, achievements and possible drawbacks of Scotland's concerted attempt to engage drug-driven offenders in treatment at nearly every stage of the criminal justice system. Widening treatment access may have been the main plus, also widening entanglement in the criminal justice system the main minus.

DOCUMENT 2013 HTM file
Community loses from failure to offer maintenance prescribing in prisons

An international team of experts has argued that failure to implement effective opioid maintenance programmes in prison represents an important missed opportunity to engage high-risk drug users in treatment, at possibly substantial costs to the individuals and to the community. Is Britain too losing out, and how does the future look?

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Drug misuse statistics Scotland 2011

Statistical picture of drug misuse in Scotland in 2010/11 including treatment and criminal justice caseloads and health impacts, plus trends over recent years.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems

What does the Scottish Prison Service need to do to adequately address alcohol problems among inmates? This needs assessment funded by the Scottish Government assesses the size of the problem, identifies the gaps, and recommends ways to plug them based on a review of relevant research.

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