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STUDY 2006 PDF file 196Kb
Patient-focused alcohol treatment aids wives and children too

Whether families benefit from alcohol treatment as well as the patients has rarely been studied. This US analysis demonstrated that they do, positioning alcohol treatment as also contributing to child and family welfare objectives.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 159Kb
Integrated care for dual diagnosis patients betters parallel provision

This rare test of truly integrated substance use and mental health care for severely mentally ill patients found it cut subsequent psychiatric and legal crises. Even where full integration is not possible, the same principles could improve the work of mental health and addiction services.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 198Kb
Drink-driving cut by 30-minute talk with hospital patients

Patients admitted to a US hospital following a traffic accident had fewer arrests for drink-driving after a short talk with hospital staff about their drinking, the first such finding and one which reinforced the case for hospital-based brief interventions.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Evidence-based practice? The National Probation Service's work with alcohol-misusing offenders

This report on work in England and Wales describes a system creatively grappling with a huge drink problem among offenders, but one undermined by lack of evidence about what works and by under-resourcing linked to a dispute over whether health or probation should bear the core funding burden.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 153Kb
Communities can reduce drink-driving deaths

A multi-million dollar attempt to equip US communities to tackle substance misuse only succeeded in reducing alcohol-related traffic deaths when treatment initiatives were supplemented by measures to limit the availability of alcohol.

IN PRACTICE 2005 PDF file 813Kb
Wet day centres in Britain part 2: Care Control Challenge

Part 2 of our mini-series on wet day centres in Britain will ring bells not just for alcohol workers but also for drug workers in needle exchanges and drop-in services. Maureen Crane and Tony Warnes analyse what it takes to work productively in one of the most challenging of settings.

Wet day centres in Britain

In drug and alcohol services, it doesn't get more difficult than this – offering street drinkers a place where they can start to reverse years of deterioration, without having first to stop drinking.

REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Treating pregnant women dependent on opioids is not the same as treating pregnancy and opioid dependence: a knowledge synthesis for better treatment for women and neonates

New guidance on managing pregnant women dependent on heroin and allied drugs emphasises that maintenance prescribing is the core treatment but holistic, individualised care is essential; its warnings about the dangers of detoxification are not universally accepted.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
A practical clinical trial of coordinated care management to treat substance use disorders among public assistance beneficiaries

Further demonstration from a US research team that relatively intensive case management support does help welfare applicants overcome substance use problems, but in this case only those not already managed through substitute prescribing.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 170Kb
'Real-world' studies show that medications do suppress heavy drinking

Three trials found that drugs commonly used to treat alcohol dependence improve outcomes for an appreciable minority of patients, even under conditions close to normal practice. Together they offer clues to who benefits most from each medication.

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