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STUDY 2019 HTM file
“We have to put the fire out first before we start rebuilding the house”: practitioners’ experiences of supporting women with histories of substance use, interpersonal abuse and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder

Within treatment systems that have tended to underestimate or overlook the importance of ‘trauma-informed’ practice, this study explores how practitioners in England respond to the needs of women with substance use problems, histories of abuse, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

STUDY 2016 HTM file
Establishing a ‘Corstonian’ continuous care pathway for drug using female prisoners: Linking drug recovery wings and women’s community services

How do drug recovery wings in women’s prisons compare with best practice in Baroness Corston’s 2007 report to the Home Office?

STUDY 2019 HTM file
Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of an adjunctive personalised psychosocial intervention in treatment-resistant maintenance opioid agonist therapy: a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial

Instead of a set programme, a clinic in London tried offering methadone or buprenorphine patients still using heroin or cocaine a selection from a suite of well-supported psychological interventions tailored to the patient and then systematically re-tailored in the light of how they responded. It worked – but did it work well enough, and would the findings be replicated in more typical circumstances?

REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Doing time on a TC: how effective are drug-free therapeutic communities in prison? A review of the literature

Evidence gathered over the last decade affirms the greater effectiveness of therapeutic communities in prison versus other treatment models, and highlights improved recidivism and drug use outcomes when the prison regimen is reinforced by community aftercare on release.

REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Meta-analysis of the prospective relation between alliance and outcome in child and adolescent psychotherapy

Amalgamation of research findings for the American Psychological Association finds that the relationship between therapists and young clients and their parents matters nearly as much as for adults. Practice recommendations will aid counsellors, therapists and mental health teams in their work with young substance users.

REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Substance abuse treatment for women offenders: a research review

A major contributing factor to women being incarcerated and a critical factor in women’s reoffending, this review addresses the substance use treatment needs of female offenders and gender-specific interventions.

STUDY 2017 HTM file
Preventing alcohol and tobacco exposed pregnancies: CHOICES Plus in primary care

Compared to brief advice, the CHOICES Plus intervention significantly lowered the risk of alcohol- and tobacco-exposed pregnancies among women in a low-income primary care population. This US-based trial illustrates the efficacy of a bundle of ‘pre-conception’ services for risky drinking, smoking, and ineffective contraception.

REVIEW 2016 HTM file
A rapid evidence review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of alcohol control policies: an English perspective

An ambitious attempt to use research to understand the most effective and cost-effective set of policies for reducing alcohol-related harm in the English context, from taxation and price regulation to managing the drinking environment.

REVIEW 2014 HTM file
Alcohol interventions, alcohol policy and intimate partner violence: a systematic review

What constitutes ‘alcohol-related’ domestic abuse, and to what extent can interventions designed to reduce the harms of alcohol also reduce domestic abuse?

HOT TOPIC 2017 HTM file
Focus on the families

‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Both as a treatment resource for the patient and a group needing support in their own right, a UK report described families affected by substance use as the “forgotten” carers. Here we turn the focus on the “unheard and unseen victims when a loved one uses drugs or alcohol”.

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