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REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Single-session alcohol interventions for heavy drinking college students: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Personalised, interactive, and motivational approaches dominate in this study of the effectiveness of single-session brief interventions for heavy-drinking college students. But, overall the effects of brief interventions remain modest in clinical terms.
Alcohol and families
‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. Constructed for Alcohol Awareness Week 2017 on the theme of ‘Alcohol and Families’, this collection includes both major roles for the families of problem drinkers – as recipients of support and therapy to promote their own welfare, and as therapeutic agents engaged in promoting the drinker’s welfare.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Using behavioral triage in court-supervised treatment of DUI offenders
From California, the first evaluation of a system which escalated drink/drug drivers to treatment if they failed a less intensive sentence found significantly reduced recidivism and accidents, and evidence that injuries related to accidents also fell.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Research Review: The effectiveness of multidimensional family therapy in treating adolescents with multiple behavior problems – a meta-analysis
Review finds multidimensional family therapy more effective than group therapies and other psychosocial therapies, particularly among adolescents with severe substance use and other behavioural problems.
STUDY 2014 HTM file
For whom does prison-based drug treatment work? Results from a randomized experiment
For the first time in a prison setting a randomised trial rigorously compared intensive residential therapeutic community treatment to outpatient counselling. Confounding expectations, the US prison for problem drug users which hosted the study gained nothing in terms of preventing recidivism by allocating even high-risk prisoners to the more intensive treatment.
DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Young people’s statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
The diminishing youth treatment caseload in England is increasingly dominated by under-18s primarily being treated for cannabis use problems as the numbers of primary problem drinkers falls away to just 15% of the caseload.
STUDY 1966 HTM file
Treatment of skid-row alcoholics with disulfiram
In the early ’60s in Atlanta in the USA, a pioneering trial tested whether faced with the alternative of another spell in jail, ‘skid-row’ repeat drunkenness offenders would take a drug which generates deterrent reactions to alcohol. Most did, belying their supposedly hopeless condition.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
An evaluation of the Option 2 intensive family preservation service
In Wales Option 2 works intensively over a few weeks with substance using parents whose children are at serious risk – serious enough for imminent care proceedings. This second evaluation confirmed that the cost-saving service helps keep children with their families without inadvertently harming the children.
HOT TOPIC 2017 HTM file
Protecting the children
One of our hot topic essays on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. How to protect the children of problem substance users can hardly be a more emotive and – since a US-inspired project came to Britain offering to pay drug users to be sterilised – contentious issue. Despite the issue’s profile, truly informative studies are few.
STUDY 2016 HTM file
After FDAC: outcomes 5 years later (final report)
Five-year follow-up of London families finds better outcomes among those in the Family Drug and Alcohol Court than ordinary care proceedings.
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