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DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Improving outcomes and supporting transparency part 1: A public health outcomes framework for England, 2013–2016

Sets out the structure and objectives of the public health system for England effective from April 2013 and how progress against these objectives will be measured, including addiction treatment completions, alcohol-related hospital admissions, and prisoners identified as needing treatment for alcohol/drug problems.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
A pilot randomised controlled trial of brief versus twice weekly versus standard supervised consumption in patients on opiate maintenance treatment

What happens when opiate-addicted patients are suddenly no longer required to take their methadone under supervision but can take it away from the pharmacy? In Scotland this was tried in the first UK randomised trial; patients stayed longer in treatment and there was no dramatic escalation in heroin use.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
The role of demographic characteristics and readiness to change in 12-month outcome from two distinct brief interventions for impaired drivers

Can repeat drink-driving offenders be swayed by just 30 minutes with a therapist, and would those minutes best be spent in motivational interviewing or providing information on alcohol? This Canadian study hints that 'Yes' is the answer to both questions – but only hints.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Cost-of-alcohol studies as a research programme

Prominent alcohol expert argues that estimates that drinking imposes billions of pounds of costs on society are so value-laden and imprecise that their main value is as propaganda. Policies like increasing the price of drink may be justified on other grounds, but not by a misleadingly appealing total cost or cost reduction figure.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Will intensive testing and sanctions displace treatment?

Enforce frequent drug or alcohol testing and levy swift, certain and meaningful sanctions for substance use, and many dependent users stop using without treatment. Is this increasingly how problem use will be dealt with, or just a niche option applicable to users over whom society can exert sufficient leverage?

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Performance-based contracting within a state substance abuse treatment system: a preliminary exploration of differences in client access and client outcomes

In 2007–08 the US state of Maine introduced a new scheme directly linking funding for outpatient treatment services to performance in terms of waiting times and retention, but financial and service delivery impacts were negligible. Were the incentives too weak, or were services already doing as well as they could?

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Does meeting the HEDIS substance abuse treatment engagement criterion predict patient outcomes?

This first major multi-modality test of a treatment engagement indicator widely used as a quality control yardstick in the USA found it was only very weakly related to patient improvement seven months after starting treatment, confirmation that simple measures of what happens during treatment struggle to capture what really makes treatment effective.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Achieving positive change in the drinking culture of Wales

This research report usefully reflects evidence from reviews and recent and seminal studies, offering guidance not just on each intervention type, but on what the most effective mix might be in Wales and by extension in the UK as a whole if the aim is to affect drink-related harm at the level of the whole population.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Delivering alcohol brief interventions in the community justice setting: evaluation of a pilot project

Though drinking problems were widespread, Scottish probation and community service staff were unconvinced of the appropriateness of screening their offender clients for risky drinking and (if indicated) offering brief advice. Not a priority, was the common feeling.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Screening for alcohol use in criminal justice settings: an exploratory study

At English prisons, police stations and probation offices, offenders and arrestees in this study usually scored as at least hazardous drinkers and over half as problematic on a drink problem survey; nearly all would have been identified by a much briefer screening method usually requiring just a single question.

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