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Drug Treatment Matrix cell C5: Management/supervision: Safeguarding the community

Key studies on the influence of management and supervision on treatment’s impacts on crime and safeguarding the community, with a focus on criminal justice and child protection contexts. Examine the credentials of the most well known model for working with offenders, ask yourself why cognitive-behavioural approaches are so prominent, and explore the feasibility of focusing on the child when the parent is the patient.

DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for commissioners and service providers

People with co-occurring mental health and substance use problems are often unable to access the care they need. This 2017 guide from Public Health England describes what better care would look like, underpinned by the principles that there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing support, and it is ‘everyone’s job’ the other side of the door to help.

STUDY 2019 HTM file
Capital depreciation: the lack of recovery capital and post-release support for prisoners leaving the Drug Recovery Wings in England and Wales

While drug recovery wings were specifically designed to facilitate recovery from drug and alcohol problems among prisoners, this small study found that the sharp drop-off in support when they returned to the community ended many recovery journeys prematurely.

STUDY 2016 HTM file
Establishing a ‘Corstonian’ continuous care pathway for drug using female prisoners: Linking drug recovery wings and women’s community services

How do drug recovery wings in women’s prisons compare with best practice in Baroness Corston’s 2007 report to the Home Office?

REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Meta-analysis of the prospective relation between alliance and outcome in child and adolescent psychotherapy

Amalgamation of research findings for the American Psychological Association finds that the relationship between therapists and young clients and their parents matters nearly as much as for adults. Practice recommendations will aid counsellors, therapists and mental health teams in their work with young substance users.

Drug Treatment Matrix cell D5: Organisational functioning; Safeguarding the community

Key research on the influence of the treatment organisation on the effectiveness of drug treatment in the criminal justice system and allied settings. Asks whether the criminal justice context enhances or limits treatment (perhaps both), whether quality is better in smaller services, and whether treatment services should see themselves as family services.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Adaptive programming improves outcomes in drug court: an experimental trial

Latest in an impressively coherent and persistent series of studies of how US courts specialising in supervision and treatment of drug-related offenders can do more to reduce drug use and crime. Triaging offenders to more or less intensive programmes and then adjusting based on actual progress made significant differences.

HOT TOPIC 2018 HTM file
Opiate-blocking implants: magic bullet or dangerous experiment?

‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Opinion is sharply divided on the ethics and effectiveness of long-acting implanted or injected opiate-blocking medications, products not approved for medical practice in the UK, but which some see as a major breakthroughs in overcoming addiction to heroin and allied drugs.

HOT TOPIC 2018 HTM file
Ethics and evidence on naltrexone treatment of offenders

‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Opinion is sharply divided on the ethics and effectiveness of pressuring opioid-dependent offenders to take the opiate-blocker naltrexone. Especially sharp is the controversy over long-acting products not approved for medical practice in the UK. Do they constitute an unacceptable infringement of autonomy, or is forcing them on some offenders as caring as holding back someone about to (by choice or not) walk off a cliff?

STUDY 1988 HTM file
Is the counselor an “active ingredient” in substance abuse rehabilitation? An examination of treatment success among four counselors

The unexpected resignations of two counsellors at a US methadone clinic in early 1985 triggered a unique study of the influence of counsellors on their patients’ recovery. Its insight remains relevant today, and the study has been added to the Effectiveness Bank as a piece of ‘old gold’.

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