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STUDY 2011 HTM file
Modeling the cost-effectiveness of health care systems for alcohol use disorders: how implementation of eHealth interventions improves cost-effectiveness

Computer simulation suggests that health would improve and/or costs be reduced if on-line brief interventions and therapy were added to or replaced conventional alcohol-related health care; these results for the Netherlands are based on a simulation model applicable as an aid to national policymaking in other countries.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 559Kb
Education's uncertain saviour

A 20-year series of studies evaluating a relatively unsung US programme kept hopes alive that school lessons can prevent drug use. The work is impressive but is it convincing enough to salvage a prevention role for education?

STUDY 2000 PDF file 222Kb
Everyone is NOT doing it - important prevention message for early teens

A US alcohol education study distinguished by its long-term follow-up and its harm reduction objective found that school programmes can reduce excessive alcohol use among teenagers by correcting unrealistic beliefs about how normal drinking is.

STUDY 2002 PDF file 173Kb
Growth in youth drinking curbed by correcting 'normative' beliefs

A sophisticated reanalysis of data from the US Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial confirmed that school lessons based on correcting 'normative beliefs' about how common substance use is among one's peers can retard growth in drinking.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 102Kb
School programme successfully revised to focus more on harm reduction

Rare for an early adolescence school programme to focus on harm reduction, and very rare in the USA. In the face of patchy outcomes, Project ALERT took that route and found the intended improvements in smoking and drinking risk reductions.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 104Kb
Drug prevention best done by school's own teachers not outside specialists

An evaluation of the US All Stars programme for early secondary school provided a rare opportunity to test whether drug prevention is best done by outside specialists or a school's own teachers; the teachers won out, despite needing less training.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Blueprint drugs education: the response of pupils and parents to the programme

In the British context, it was expected to decide whether an evidence-based, well structured and well resourced drug education programme could contribute to reducing youth substance use, yet the multi-million pound Blueprint study never got near fulfilling its promise.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
The effectiveness of a school-based substance abuse prevention program: 18-month follow-up of the EU-Dap cluster randomized controlled trial

The largest European drug education trial ever conducted tested whether US-style social influence programmes would prove effective in Europe. There were probably some real successes, but these were limited and may have been artefacts of the implementation and analysis of the study.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Effects of a school-based prevention program on European adolescents' patterns of alcohol use

The largest European drug education trial ever conducted tested whether US-style social influence programmes would prove effective in Europe. Among the successes were the reductions in problem drinking documented in this report.

HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
‘Everyone’s not doing it’ message offers hope for prevention

‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. ‘Normative education’ comparing the recipient’s use levels to population norms retains some of its shine as the great hope for school- and college-based prevention, but accumulating data demands a reappraisal.

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