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STUDY 2009 HTM file
Reducing adolescent use of harmful legal products: intermediate effects of a community prevention intervention
Alaskan Native communities were mobilised to educate their children and parents about, and to reduce the availability of, volatile substances, over-the-counter medicines and other legal substances used as intoxicants by young people. Preliminary results were encouraging.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 114Kb
Harm reduction education successfully extended to illegal drugs
A small sample of Canadian schools generally endorsed the appropriateness of harm reduction education for older teenagers, and in the two which implemented the programme, substance use and related damage and risk were curbed compared to other local schools.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 224Kb
Choose peer education groups carefully
Fascinating study which suggests that peer-led substance use prevention curricula which involve interactive exploration of sensitive topics work best when pupils are grouped with the peer leaders they look up to, creating workgroups who respect and like each other.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 139Kb
Harm reduction lessons on smoking improve on abstinence-based skills education
Despite the comparator being an innovative skills-based curriculum, half as many pupils in 30 Australian secondary schools became regular smokers if instead the lessons had been based on harm reduction principles.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Evaluating mediators of the impact of the Linking the Interests of Families and Teachers (LIFT) multimodal preventive intervention on substance use initiation
Again an early schools programme which does not mention substance use at all but focuses on overall child development has later impacts on substance use (plus other benefits) as great as targeted drug education is typically able to produce.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Blueprint drugs education: the response of pupils and parents to the programme
In the British context, it was expected to decide whether an evidence-based, well structured and well resourced drug education programme could contribute to reducing youth substance use, yet the multi-million pound Blueprint study never got near fulfilling its promise.
STUDY 2005 PDF file 104Kb
Drug prevention best done by school's own teachers not outside specialists
An evaluation of the US All Stars programme for early secondary school provided a rare opportunity to test whether drug prevention is best done by outside specialists or a school's own teachers; the teachers won out, despite needing less training.
STUDY 2005 PDF file 156Kb
High-risk youngsters respond to coherent, consistent and interactive after-school activities
Analyses of 48 US government-funded after-school and youth work projects for 9–18-year-olds at high risk of drug problems found that only interactive, well structured projects with supported and engaged staff curbed progression to more frequent substance use.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Substance use outcomes 5½ years past baseline for partnership-based, family-school preventive interventions
Two of the most widely recommended US school and family prevention programmes retarded growth in some forms of substance use, especially among youngsters who had already used by their early teens, but there are some methodological concerns over the findings.
STUDY 2005 PDF file 102Kb
School programme successfully revised to focus more on harm reduction
Rare for an early adolescence school programme to focus on harm reduction, and very rare in the USA. In the face of patchy outcomes, Project ALERT took that route and found the intended improvements in smoking and drinking risk reductions.
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