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STUDY 2005 PDF file 153Kb
Anaesthesia during rapid opiate detox raises costs but not outcomes
Dutch study finds that anaesthetising patients during accelerated opiate withdrawal is expensive and introduces new risks, but does not help inpatients complete detoxification or sustain drug use reductions on discharge.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 178Kb
Some counselling maximises methadone cost-effectiveness
Suggests that increasing availability of counselling modestly (to three times a week, uptake in practice under one a week) buys more abstinence per dollar than offering daily access plus other services.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 255Kb
Methadone treatment cost-effective life saver
Three studies which show that getting in to and staying in methadone treatment cost-effectively saves the lives of heroin addicts. Conversely, being denied treatment or discharged for rule-breaking costs lives.
STUDY 2004 PDF file 159Kb
Methadone maintenance as low-cost lifesaver
US studies find that even when slow methadone detoxification is bolstered by psychosocial therapy and aftercare, methadone maintenance does better at prolonging the lives of opiate-dependent patients at relatively little extra cost.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Pharmacotherapies for the treatment of opioid dependence: efficacy, cost-effectiveness and implementation guidelines
From some of the same Australian authors who produced classic texts on maintenance prescribing for heroin addiction, a major new text analysing research on all types of drug-based interventions including maintenance, opiate-blocking drugs, and managing withdrawal.
DOCUMENT 2009 HTM file
Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence
Unequivocal backing from UN agencies for methadone and other forms of long term maintenance treatments as the prime modality for the treatment of dependence on heroin and allied drugs. In contrast say the experts, detoxification results in poor long term outcomes.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Interim methadone treatment compared to standard methadone treatment: 4-month findings
Is regular counselling really essential to the effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment, or are treatment entry and the power of high-dose methadone enough in themselves for many patients? At least in the first four months, this US study suggests the latter.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Impact of supervision of methadone consumption on deaths related to methadone overdose (1993-2008): analyses using OD4 index in England and Scotland
Introduced in Scotland and England in the mid-late 1990s to prevent overdose, did supervised consumption of methadone really make methadone maintenance safer? After accounting for increased prescribing, this analysis concludes that it did curb methadone-related deaths.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Randomized trial of standard methadone treatment compared to initiating methadone without counseling: 12-month findings
Up to a year after starting methadone treatment US patients offered virtually no counselling for the first four months were still doing as well as those offered regular counselling. But there is a hint that intensive and high quality counselling enabled more to safely leave treatment.
DOCUMENT 2013 HTM file
Delivering recovery. Independent expert review of opioid replacement therapies in Scotland
An expert committee responds to the Scottish government’s concerns over the role of methadone prescribing in helping patients along the Road to Recovery signposted in the national strategy. On the ground, that road was often barely constructed but methadone was not the problem, rather the failure to optimise programmes for recovery.
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