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OFFCUT 2001 PDF file 140Kb
Comprehensive guides to buprenorphine prescribing from Australia

The Australian national policy on using buprenorphine in the treatment of opiate dependence and comprehensive national guidelines for clinicians.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 98Kb
Opiate detoxification: spending more may save long term

British study suggests that inadequately supervised outpatient programmes may be a waste of money and that costly specialist inpatient programmes are not necessarily more costly per abstinent outcome, but methodological flaws cloud the picture.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 107Kb
Injectable methadone maintenance suitable for more severely affected heroin addicts

Conducted in London, the first study to randomise opiate dependent patients to injectable versus oral methadone maintenance suggested that the injectable option is preferable for addicts with relatively severe health and psychological problems.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 166Kb
Rare attempt to compare cost-effectiveness of different treatments for different clients

Studies of the cost-effectiveness of addiction treatment in Ohio suggest that per $, short intensive programmes deliver the best abstinence returns for severely addicted patients, less intensive outpatient programmes for patients using less frequently.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 144Kb
Methadone's failures respond to heroin

A large-scale trial in Switzerland suggests that despite failures with other treatments, many long-term heroin addicts respond well to a treatment based on injectable heroin.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 1044Kb
NTORS: the most crucial test yet for addiction treatment in Britain

FINDINGS analysis of the influential national English drug treatment evaluation study questions the key estimate that every extra £1 spent on treatment saved over £3 in the costs of crime alone.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 255Kb
Methadone treatment cost-effective life saver

Three studies which show that getting in to and staying in methadone treatment cost-effectively saves the lives of heroin addicts. Conversely, being denied treatment or discharged for rule-breaking costs lives.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 223Kb
Treatment staff matter as much as the drug

Three US studies prove there is more to methadone maintenance than the drug. The individual counsellor and whether they respond constructively to patient problems can dramatically affect retention and drug use outcomes.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 228Kb
Shared care encourages GPs to treat addiction

In London access to good quality primary care opiate addiction treatment was expanded by a mixture of support from a local specialist GP, training, peer support, financial reimbursements, and shared care guidelines and protocols.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 178Kb
Some counselling maximises methadone cost-effectiveness

Suggests that increasing availability of counselling modestly (to three times a week, uptake in practice under one a week) buys more abstinence per dollar than offering daily access plus other services.

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