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REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective interventions
Review of relevant research by an international team of leading researchers offers policymakers guidance on the interventions most likely on the evidence to achieve national policy aims in respect of illegal drug use.
DOCUMENT 2009 HTM file
Guidelines for the psychosocially assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence
Unequivocal backing from UN agencies for methadone and other forms of long term maintenance treatments as the prime modality for the treatment of dependence on heroin and allied drugs. In contrast say the experts, detoxification results in poor long term outcomes.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
A pilot randomised controlled trial of brief versus twice weekly versus standard supervised consumption in patients on opiate maintenance treatment
What happens when opiate-addicted patients are suddenly no longer required to take their methadone under supervision but can take it away from the pharmacy? In Scotland this was tried in the first UK randomised trial; patients stayed longer in treatment and there was no dramatic escalation in heroin use.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Can needle and syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy achieve substantial reductions in hepatitis C virus prevalence?
Among the messages of this simulation model for the UK and other countries is the resilience of hepatitis C in the face of considerable investment in methadone and needle exchange services, that these have nevertheless helped and need to be maintained and if possible expanded, but also that further measures are required to substantially curtail the virus.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Advancing recovery: implementing evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders at the systems level
In the US homeland of competition and private health care, it was cooperation and coordination which led to the introduction of new medications and innovations to promote continuing care – plus the exercise of regulatory and financial muscle and the salutary experience of senior staff who placed themselves in the patient's shoes.
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Scottish Drugs Strategy Delivery Commission: first year report & recommendations to minister
In its first report an independent body established by the Scottish government to monitor its drug strategy has called for concrete evidence that recovery from addiction is being pursued and achieved at national and local levels.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
The forgotten carers: support for adult family members affected by a relative's drug problems
From national and local guidance, commissioners and services, a rounded picture of how much Britain knows about and responds to the needs of the relatives of problem drug users. Increasing recognition of needs has generally yet to be matched by systematic needs assessments or service provision.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Does coordinated care management improve employment for substance-using welfare recipients?
In New York intensive case management coordinating multiple sources of support helped resolve the substance use problems of welfare applicants, but only among the women – who faced the greatest barriers to working – did this promote employment. Perhaps men would have done better being helped to rapidly enter the job market.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Integration of treatment innovation planning and implementation: strategic process models and organizational challenges
This review encapsulates the range of treatment assessment and improvement tools developed over decades by the Texas Christian University, widely recognised as the most comprehensive and systematic attempt to map the processes involved in treatment and to link these to interventions to improve outcomes for the client.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Therapist effectiveness: implications for accountability and patient care
1 in 6 US therapists (mainly not specialising in substance use) typically ended up with clients whose substance use problems were significantly worse than when they started therapy, an indication perhaps that social workers and mental health counsellors find these issues especially hard to deal with.
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