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OFFCUT 2004 PDF file 89Kb
Controversy over screening primary care patients for risky drinking

Just when a World Health Organisation project was seeking to persuade GPs to screen primary care patients for risky drinking, this hotly contested study concluded that universal screening was an ineffective use of health care resources.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 967Kb
Take the network into treatment

Distinguished US authors summarise the evidence for a new direction in the treatment of substance abuse problems - harnessing friends, lovers, sons, daughters and workmates to reconstruct the incentives in a client's life.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Brief contact and written advice as effective as a longer talk for heavy drinking hospital patients

Scottish study suggests there is no need for sophisticated and extended advice to prompt heavy drinking hospital patients to cut down, making the case for low cost, large scale screening and intervention.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 134Kb
Is your measure of success what matters to the client, or what matters to everyone else?

How a patient assesses their own well-being can be poorly related to conventional outcomes such as substance use. Using quality of life as a benchmark would often give a different impression of whether one treatment or service is better than another.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 188Kb
Nurses help prevent hazardous drinking while caring for injured drinkers

This British study found that young men injured after binge drinking respond well to a brief intervention mounted in a hospital clinic dealing with injuries of the kind often related to drinking.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 188Kb
Naltrexone helps heavy drinkers gain control

In Spain naltrexone helped young regular binge drinkers cut back, potentially extending its role from alcoholics seeking treatment at specialist clinics to problem drinkers identified in other settings such as primary care.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Universal screening for alcohol problems in primary care fails in Denmark and no longer on UK agenda

Negative findings from a Danish attempt to implement the primary care screening and brief intervention protocol for heavy drinkers which emerged from World Health Organization trials suggest it was right for the UK to turn away from universal screening.

REVIEW 2003 PDF file 665Kb
Interesting times in the pharmacotherapy of alcohol dependence

A trio of US experts led by Hugh Myrick guide you through the pharmaceuticals now making the headlines in alcohol withdrawal and anti-relapse therapy.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 172Kb
Injury rate cut in heavy drinking accident and emergency patients

One of the few studies to have tried alcohol interventions in the emergency department rather than after admission was also the first to find a significant reduction in later injuries, but only if the initial approach had been reinforced with a booster.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 168Kb
Family doctors' alcohol advice plus follow up cuts long-term medical and social costs

A rare long-term study of a brief alcohol intervention in primary care found substantial drinking reductions and health care and social cost-savings four years later including 41% fewer traffic accidents causing injuries or death.

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