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Wet day centres in Britain
In drug and alcohol services, it doesn't get more difficult than this – offering street drinkers a place where they can start to reverse years of deterioration, without having first to stop drinking.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Counselor skill influences outcomes of brief motivational interventions
Few studies can manage the painstaking analyses needed to identify what makes for successful counselling. This Swiss study broke new ground in dissecting why some brief interventionists had far better results than others with risky drinking A&E patients.
ABSTRACT 2008 HTM file
An intervention for treating alcohol dependence: relating elements of medical management to patient outcomes in primary care
In a programme intended to simulate primary care management of alcohol dependence, what made the difference to patients was how far the clinician maintained confident optimism and responded to the patient rather than strictly adhering to the treatment manual.
REVIEW 2004 PDF file 909Kb
The power of the welcoming reminder
Part 1 of the Manners Matter series. In seemingly mundane tasks like reminding patients of appointments and checking how they are doing after they leave, individualised and welcoming communications characterise retention-enhancing services.
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