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STUDY 2009 HTM file
A randomized trial of individual and couple behavioral alcohol treatment for women

Alcohol dependent women experienced more lasting improvements when couples-based therapy embedded therapeutic processes in a lasting relationship with a willing husband or partner, extending an impressive research portfolio for the therapy.

REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Psychosocial interventions for people with both severe mental illness and substance misuse

Latest update from the respected Cochrane review process still finds no reason to advocate replacing conventional care with specialised therapeutic approaches/teams when severe mental illness is complicated by substance use.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 195Kb
Abused women gain more from holistic counselling

A major US government project found that women with substance use and mental health problems and traumatised by a history of sexual or physical abuse benefited most from services which offered integrated counselling addressing all these issues.

REVIEW 2005 PDF file 826Kb
Self help: don't leave it to the patients

Keith Humphreys and colleagues report on a workgroup of US experts on substance abuse self-help organisations. Main conclusion: self-help groups are too valuable to leave to chance. They should be actively promoted and facilitated by treatment services and policymakers.

REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Treating pregnant women dependent on opioids is not the same as treating pregnancy and opioid dependence: a knowledge synthesis for better treatment for women and neonates

New guidance on managing pregnant women dependent on heroin and allied drugs emphasises that maintenance prescribing is the core treatment but holistic, individualised care is essential; its warnings about the dangers of detoxification are not universally accepted.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 166Kb
Dual diagnosis add-on to mental health services improves outcomes

A unique British study has found that treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients benefit from additional integrated substance use/mental health therapy, which may also save costs by reducing the need for inpatient care.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 171Kb
Encouraging people to return for aftercare

Two simple inexpensive interventions have been shown to make a substantial difference to the rate of return for aftercare following intensive day or residential care, helping maintain the benefits especially for the most vulnerable patients.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 154Kb
Assertive outreach for mentally ill problem substance users: follow the manual

Major US study finds that the impact of assertive outreach to engage and deliver services to people with serious mental health and substance use problems is crucially dependent on whether the key features of the approach are faithfully implemented.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 217Kb
Promising approach to dual diagnosis

In the USA two prominent forms of integrated care for seriously mentally ill substance abusers proved equally effective, but by the end of the study assertive community treatment had become more cost-effective than standard case management.

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