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Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; Generic and cross-cutting issues
Key studies on management and supervision across psychosocial and medical treatments of problem drinking. Highlights that “Manners Matter”, focuses on staff recruitment, queries the ubiquitous stages of change model, and details the fascinating history of the most controversial issue in alcohol treatment: whether to insist dependent drinkers try for abstinence. See the rest of row 2 of the matrix for more on features common to psychosocial and medical treatments.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell E4: Treatment systems; Psychosocial therapies
Key studies on systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing psychosocial therapies, and the roles of those therapies within the overall treatment system. Focus is on examining the research credentials of guidance from NICE and mutual aid’s potential to bridge the gap between diminished resources and heightened recovery ambitions.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell E4: Treatment systems; Psychosocial therapies
Seminal and key studies on local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing psychosocial therapies and the place of those therapies within these systems. Asks whether mutual aid groups can bridge the widening gap between resources and recovery ambitions, whether residential rehabilitation should be a last resort, and how tightly commissioners should specify services.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A4: Interventions; Psychosocial therapies
Key studies on the ‘common factors’ underlying psychosocial therapies for problem drinking and the effectiveness of specific approaches. Explores the famous ‘Dodo bird’ hypothesis that all bona fide therapies are equivalent, examines the legacy of the UK’s most ambitious treatment trial, asks whether therapy can really make things worse, and questions how research amalgamating impacts from many patients can be applied to the treatment of an individual in their individual circumstances.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell C4: Management/supervision; Psychosocial therapies
Seminal and key studies on management and supervision in psychosocial therapies. Findings challenge managers to invest in the post-training ‘coaching’ needed to make a difference for patients, and to set up systems alerting therapists to how well their clients are doing – especially when they are doing badly.
STUDY 2019 HTM file
Modelling the combined impact of interventions in averting deaths during a synthetic-opioid overdose epidemic
In the Canadian province of British Columbia there was a rapid rise in overdose deaths from 2015, leading to the declaration of a public health emergency in 2016. The response rested on three key interventions: take-home naloxone, opioid substitution therapy, and drug consumption rooms. The province’s highly detailed surveillance data offered an opportunity to estimate their collective and individual impacts on opioid overdose deaths.
Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning; Generic and cross-cutting issues
Key studies on the how the characteristics and functioning of treatment organisations affect implementation and effectiveness. Learn to see organisational context as part of treatment and about two evidence-based US quality improvement resources, and consider what makes treatment services engaging and how they could extend engagement into long-term continuing care. See the remaining four cells in row 2 of the matrix for more on generic features of medical and psychosocial therapies.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A2: Interventions; Generic and cross-cutting issues
Seminal and key studies on aspects of the treatment of problem drinking relevant both to psychosocial and medical approaches. Focuses on ‘common factors’ often sidelined as components of the ‘placebo effect’, but which are actually active ingredients now recognised as at least as important as the particular therapy. See the remaining four cells in row 2 of the matrix for more on generic features of medical and psychosocial therapies.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning: Generic and cross-cutting issues
Key studies on the how the characteristics and functioning of treatment organisations affect implementation and effectiveness. Learn to see the organisational context as part of the treatment, about two evidence-based US quality improvement resources, and consider what makes treatment services engaging and whether they should extend that engagement into long-term continuing care. See the remaining four cells in row 2 of the matrix for more on generic features of medical and psychosocial therapies.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell D1: Organisational functioning; Screening and brief intervention
Seminal and key studies on how organisational functioning affects screening and brief intervention. Highlights a striking illustration of the importance of organisational context emerging from the unprecedented implementation drive at the US health care system for ex-military personnel. See the rest of row 1 of the matrix for more on screening and brief interventions.
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