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STUDY 2012 HTM file
Treatment seeking and subsequent 1-year drinking outcomes among treatment clients in Sweden and the U.S.A.: a cross-cultural comparison
Detailed examination of how differing welfare and treatment systems and understandings of dependence affect the alcohol caseloads of substance use treatment services in Sweden and the USA and how they fare in the year after starting treatment; reveals differences and similarities in what 'success' consists of and what seems to promote it.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Recovery innovations in Yorkshire and Humberside
The enthusiastic shoots of a recovery orientation emerging in treatment systems and services in northern England faced considerable challenges in gaining sufficient coverage to transform the established landscape – literally in the case of a plan to communally build an Iron Age roundhouse village.
REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care: scientific rationale and promising practices
Sweeping, learned but practice-oriented tour-de-force from the US recovery advocate who sees the creation of a recovery-friendly environment as the best way to ensure a lasting resolution of substance use problems with or without abstinence.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
What works? A 15-year follow-up study of 85 young people with serious behavioral problems
In Norway, long-term continuity of care by the same adults in a family-like setting outside the home (a specially funded foster home or residential centre) was the key to a better later life for severely troubled young teenage substance users.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
The forgotten carers: support for adult family members affected by a relative's drug problems
From national and local guidance, commissioners and services, a rounded picture of how much Britain knows about and responds to the needs of the relatives of problem drug users. Increasing recognition of needs has generally yet to be matched by systematic needs assessments or service provision.
DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
The Patel report: Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders
Investigation and recommendations from an expert group on drug treatment and interventions for people in prison in England calls for a clear focus on recovery and for the commissioning and coordination measures needed to improve outcomes without extra resources.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Alcohol services in prisons: an unmet need
Prison inspections and surveys of prisoners and staff in England reveal a "depressing picture" of "very limited" services for problem drinking inmates, which leave them with poor prospects on release.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
The impact and delivery of alcohol treatment requirements in the Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust area
In the English Midlands, problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts had a worse prognosis than comparable previous offenders but slightly fewer reoffended; also their drinking was reduced but for many remained excessive.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
A review of alcohol services for offenders in the North East region
Problem drinking offenders in north east England benefit from creative partnership working, but still this report baldly states that, "for 'alcohol only' prisoners, an alcohol care pathway does not exist"; low-level intervention in prison is followed by minimal support on release.
STUDY 2014 HTM file
For whom does prison-based drug treatment work? Results from a randomized experiment
For the first time in a prison setting a randomised trial rigorously compared intensive residential therapeutic community treatment to outpatient counselling. Confounding expectations, the US prison for problem drug users which hosted the study gained nothing in terms of preventing recidivism by allocating even high-risk prisoners to the more intensive treatment.
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