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Drug Treatment Matrix cell D3: Organisational functioning; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies on how treatment organisations affect the implementation and effectiveness of medical interventions and treatment in medical settings. Focus is on UK and US understandings of what counts as a ‘recovery-oriented’ service and on US, Australian and Canadian studies which discovered and validated elements of these visions even before they were articulated.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell D5: Organisational functioning; Safeguarding the community
Key research on the influence of the treatment organisation on the effectiveness of drug treatment in the criminal justice system and allied settings. Asks whether the criminal justice context enhances or limits treatment (perhaps both), whether quality is better in smaller services, and whether treatment services should see themselves as family services.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Drug policy and the public good: evidence for effective interventions
Review of relevant research by an international team of leading researchers offers policymakers guidance on the interventions most likely on the evidence to achieve national policy aims in respect of illegal drug use.
STUDY 2019 HTM file
Evaluating peer-supported screening as a hepatitis C case-finding model in prisoners
For prison populations with multiple risk factors for acquiring hepatitis C, can a peer-supported screening programme improve the uptake of testing and treatment?
REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Prevention of addictive behaviours
Based largely on existing reviews, this report for the German Federal Centre for Health Education comprehensively assesses substance use prevention approaches. Among its many conclusions are that approaches based solely on information provision are ineffective, in contrast to the more positive evidence for lifeskills and multi-component community programmes.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Psychosocial interventions for reducing injection and sexual risk behaviour for preventing HIV in drug users
This systematic review of 35 trials found that several sessions of information and skills training were no more effective than minimal educational interventions at reducing the kind of substance use and sexual behaviour which risks HIV infection in drug users who inject and/or use cocaine.
REVIEW 2004 PDF file 1222Kb
Hepatitis C and needle exchange part 4: the active ingredients
Final part of the series pulls together the threads in the form of the limitations which threaten viral control and the practice ingredients which hold promise for the future. A revitalised agenda commensurate with the challenge of hepatitis C.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
A systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions to prevent hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs
Despite the challenges, review confirms that hepatitis C infection can be prevented among injectors, but it takes multi-component strategies with elements such as substitute prescribing to reduce or eliminate drug injection, treatment of infection, and enabling safe injection practices by providing sterile injecting equipment and behaviour-change counselling.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Behavioural interventions for preventing hepatitis C infection in people who inject drugs: a global systematic review
A review reporting on the results of six trials from the UK, USA and Australia finds that – at least on their own – interventions such as counselling and peer-educator training have not prevented injecting drug users becoming infected with hepatitis C.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Overdose training and take-home naloxone for opiate users: prospective cohort study of impact on knowledge and attitudes and subsequent management of overdoses
As concern mounts about Britain's failure to reverse the recent growth in drug-related deaths, the first large-scale UK follow-up study has assessed the impact of training in overdose recognition and management featuring the opiate blocking drug naloxone.
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