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STUDY 2012 HTM file
A randomized trial of methadone initiation prior to release from incarceration
This US randomised trial in Rhode Island among formerly opiate dependent prisoners found that starting methadone treatment in prison radically improved treatment uptake on release and reduced heroin and cocaine use over the following six months, confirming results from Baltimore.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Effectiveness of diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid dependence in women
From Canada the first study to show that among long-term, severely opiate dependent patients who have not responded well to prior treatment, women as well as men benefit more from being prescribed injectable heroin than oral methadone.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
A randomized experimental study of gender-responsive substance abuse treatment for women in prison
From the USA a rare randomised controlled trial of prison-based substance use treatment for women finds substantial benefits from replacing a standard prison therapeutic community programme with one based on extensive trauma-informed and gender-responsive elements delivered in an entirely woman-only environment.
DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people 2011–12
Documents trends towards more successful specialist treatment of children with alcohol and drug problems in England. Patient numbers have fallen in line with trends among young adult patients and the general population, a sign of fewer drug problems generally, though cannabis bucked the downward trend.
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people: 2010–11
England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse documents trends in England towards quicker and more often successful treatment of children aged under 18 with alcohol or drug problems, while numbers have fallen in line with developments among the general population and among young adults in treatment.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Performance-based contracting within a state substance abuse treatment system: a preliminary exploration of differences in client access and client outcomes
In 2007–08 the US state of Maine introduced a new scheme directly linking funding for outpatient treatment services to performance in terms of waiting times and retention, but financial and service delivery impacts were negligible. Were the incentives too weak, or were services already doing as well as they could?
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Community reinforcement approach (CRA) for cocaine dependence in the Spanish public health system: 1 year outcome
Emerging from its US home, the community reinforcement approach aiming to rearrange a patient's life outside the clinic to reinforce abstinence has been trialled for cocaine users at a Spanish drug treatment centre. Though therapeutic contact was equalised, patients did better than in standard treatment based on cognitive-behavioural principles.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Substitution treatment of injecting opioid users for prevention of HIV infection
Updated review conducted for the respected Cochrane collaboration finds that methadone maintenance and allied treatments for opioid dependence consistently and significantly reduce the risk of transmission of blood-borne viruses and curb the spread of HIV.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
The role of residential rehab in an integrated treatment system
An audit for England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse finds residential services so entwined with non-residential in the treatment careers of residents that it is not possible disaggregate their contribution; since a few months of such care costs as much as five years of non-residential care, showing value for money is critical.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Effectiveness of therapeutic communities: a systematic review
Methodological shortcomings in the original studies prevented this review from reaching a firm conclusion on the lasting benefits of residential therapeutic communities, though it was clear that while residents stayed, substance use was significantly reduced.
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