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STUDY 2009 HTM file
Drug and alcohol services in Scotland
Scotland's national audit body assesses value for money from drug and alcohol services. It found systems poorly informed by the problems to be addressed and what works in addressing them, and in respect of drugs, unclear about what 'value' consists of.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 175Kb
US study establishes optimal durations for drug detoxification and rehabilitation
A new computerised network which tracked clients across the Boston treatment system revealed cut-off points beyond which greater retention in residential or outpatient treatment was not associated with higher rates of treatment completion.
STUDY 2000 PDF file 167Kb
Cocaine treatment nets benefits for society
Major US national project shows that even the least promising of cocaine dependents can dramatically cut drug use and crime, though it often takes long-term residential care. Less problematic clients generally do just as well in non-residential settings.
OFFCUT 2002 PDF file 237Kb
Audit Commission paints a stark picture of drug treatment in England and Wales
In 2002 an Audit Commission investigation of drug services and GP involvement in 11 drug action team areas in England and Wales found weak commissioning practices and the absence of management information and effective performance monitoring.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Performance-based contracting within a state substance abuse treatment system: a preliminary exploration of differences in client access and client outcomes
In 2007–08 the US state of Maine introduced a new scheme directly linking funding for outpatient treatment services to performance in terms of waiting times and retention, but financial and service delivery impacts were negligible. Were the incentives too weak, or were services already doing as well as they could?
STUDY 2003 PDF file 193Kb
Addressing heavy drinking by needle exchange users could reduce infection risk
Under two hours of risk assessment and motivational sessions cut heavy drinking and equipment sharing among exchange attenders, offering a way to further reduce the risks of overdose, viral infection and the aggravation of pre-existing hepatitis disease.
STUDY 2004 PDF file 164Kb
Female crack smokers respond well to standard HIV risk-reduction sessions
Outreach work among inner-city female drug users in Atlanta demonstrated the potential impact of just two standard sessions addressing the sex- and drug-related HIV risk of crack smokers, but also the utility of more customised help, especially for injectors.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Benefits of concurrent syringe exchange and substance abuse treatment participation
From Baltimore in the USA, evidence that encouraging syringe exchange participants to enter treatment will reduce their drug use, crime and injecting more than syringe exchange alone.
OFFCUT 2005 PDF file 151Kb
Hepatitis C is spreading more rapidly than was thought
From the early 2000s in Britain there was clear evidence from research and routine monitoring that drug policy was failing to contain hepatitis C infection among injectors, and worrying signs of a trend upwards in HIV infection.
About a third of Britain's heroin dependent patients also have problems with crack cocaine. Can opiate substitute prescribing help with both problems, and which special anti-cocaine therapies are worth adding on? This review trawled the international research for the answers.
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