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STUDY 2012 HTM file
Estimating the crime reduction benefits of drug treatment and recovery
England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse calculates the crime reduction dividend for society arising from effective addiction treatment at billions of pounds, meaning that any cuts in funding would be more than wiped out by the costs of increased crime.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Treatment seeking and subsequent 1-year drinking outcomes among treatment clients in Sweden and the U.S.A.: a cross-cultural comparison
Detailed examination of how differing welfare and treatment systems and understandings of dependence affect the alcohol caseloads of substance use treatment services in Sweden and the USA and how they fare in the year after starting treatment; reveals differences and similarities in what 'success' consists of and what seems to promote it.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Recovery innovations in Yorkshire and Humberside
The enthusiastic shoots of a recovery orientation emerging in treatment systems and services in northern England faced considerable challenges in gaining sufficient coverage to transform the established landscape – literally in the case of a plan to communally build an Iron Age roundhouse village.
STUDY 2013 HTM file
Drug treatment in England 2012–13
Agency responsible for addiction treatment in England argues that efforts to put recovery at its heart are paying off in the form of patients successfully completing treatment and not having to return, but warns that the older caseload is getting harder to move on. One concern: is treatment being de-individualised to generate a 'good news' story?
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
For the first time the annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England combines both drug and alcohol use patient records, registering a continuing trend down in total numbers due mainly to falls in users of heroin and other opiate-type drugs.
REVIEW 2017 HTM file
An evidence review of the outcomes that can be expected of drug misuse treatment in England
English treatment systems perform at least as well as other countries on a number of measures, but have a considerably higher rate of drug-related deaths than elsewhere in Europe. As well as pursuing harm reduction and recovery, this report stresses the importance of social integration as an objective.
STUDY 2016 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
For the second time the annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England combines records of drug and alcohol use treatment, registering a continuing fall in total numbers and decreasing success with opiate users, while the treatment of drinkers appears to be improving.
REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Recovery management and recovery-oriented systems of care: scientific rationale and promising practices
Sweeping, learned but practice-oriented tour-de-force from the US recovery advocate who sees the creation of a recovery-friendly environment as the best way to ensure a lasting resolution of substance use problems with or without abstinence.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
What is addiction treatment for?
‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. The answers to the title question might seem obvious, but who drug addiction treatment is for and what it should aim to achieve are contested territory.
STUDY 2018 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017
The annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England registers a continuing fall in total numbers and decreasing success with opiate users, while success with drinkers has increased and has for the last few years remained relatively high and stable. An ageing population of opiate users is the proposed explanation for the former trend – but why hasn’t a similarly ageing alcohol caseload also eroded success rates?
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