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DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for commissioners and service providers
People with co-occurring mental health and substance use problems are often unable to access the care they need. This 2017 guide from Public Health England describes what better care would look like, underpinned by the principles that there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing support, and it is ‘everyone’s job’ the other side of the door to help.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell A2: Interventions; Generic and cross-cutting issues
Seminal and key studies on features common to psychosocial therapy/support and medical treatment. Investigates where treatment is aiming to get to in the form of ‘recovery’, where it starts from as depicted in the brain-disease model of addiction, and the politics of the two most important British drug treatment studies.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell C2: Management/supervision; Generic and cross-cutting issues
Key studies on the role of management and supervision across psychosocial and medical treatments of problem drug use. Highlights that “Manners Matter”, asks, “Is there anything more instructive than being the patient?”, explores the role of patient choice and preferences in treatment planning, and queries the ubiquitous stages of change model. See the rest of row 2 of the matrix for more on features common to psychosocial and medical treatments.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
‘Recovery’: meaning and implications for treatment
One of our selection of hot topics – important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Since 2008 the “recovery” objective has been at the heart of British drug treatment policy. Where did it come from and what does it mean for treatment services?
STUDY 2016 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016
For the second time the annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England combines records of drug and alcohol use treatment, registering a continuing fall in total numbers and decreasing success with opiate users, while the treatment of drinkers appears to be improving.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
What is addiction treatment for?
‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. The answers to the title question might seem obvious, but who drug addiction treatment is for and what it should aim to achieve are contested territory.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
Harm reduction: what’s it for?
‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Opposing agendas have led to a shifting balance between seeing harm-reduction as acceptable only in the service of the greater good of reducing or eliminating drug use, versus seeing it as the overriding objective, one which should never be sacrificed to an anti-drugs agenda.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
Are the drugs enough? Counselling and therapy in substitute prescribing programmes
One of our hot topics offering background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Explore the somewhat heretical proposition that the counsellor can virtually be dispensed with in opiate substitute prescribing programmes with little loss of impact. The gain would be that methadone could be spread ‘thin and wide’, reaching more potential patients.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
The impact of paying treatment providers for outcomes: difference-in-differences analysis of the ‘payment by results for drugs recovery’ pilot
A flagship drug treatment policy initiative appears to have backfired in England, where the government’s pilot payment-by-results schemes seem to have led to fewer successful completions of treatment and more prospective patients declining treatment.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015
For the first time the annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England combines both drug and alcohol use patient records, registering a continuing trend down in total numbers due mainly to falls in users of heroin and other opiate-type drugs.
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