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STUDY 2012 HTM file
An evaluation of the Option 2 intensive family preservation service
In Wales Option 2 works intensively over a few weeks with substance using parents whose children are at serious risk – serious enough for imminent care proceedings. This second evaluation confirmed that the cost-saving service helps keep children with their families without inadvertently harming the children.
HOT TOPIC 2017 HTM file
Protecting the children
One of our hot topic essays on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. How to protect the children of problem substance users can hardly be a more emotive and – since a US-inspired project came to Britain offering to pay drug users to be sterilised – contentious issue. Despite the issue’s profile, truly informative studies are few.
STUDY 2016 HTM file
After FDAC: outcomes 5 years later (final report)
Five-year follow-up of London families finds better outcomes among those in the Family Drug and Alcohol Court than ordinary care proceedings.
DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Quality standard for drug use disorders
Official UK quality standards on the treatment of adults for problems related to the use of illegal drugs, intended be used to plan and deliver services to provide the best possible care.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Monitoring and evaluation of family intervention services and projects between February 2007 and March 2011
Family interventions were at the heart of the UK government’s ambition to ‘turn round’ the lives of 120,000 troubled families in England. In respect of drink and drug problems, substantial remission was seen, but the featured study could not show whether this was due to the interventions, and a report on a successor programme found no significant impacts.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Gender issues in the pharmacotherapy of opioid-addicted women: Buprenorphine
This paper reviews the treatment options for women dependent on opiate-type drugs, focussing on buprenorphine, including its safety for the treatment of pregnant and breastfeeding women.
STUDY 2015 HTM file
Computer-delivered screening and brief intervention for alcohol use in pregnancy: a pilot randomized trial
A computer-delivered brief intervention plus booster mailings increased the alcohol abstinence rate and improved pregnancy outcomes among risky drinking pregnant women recruited at a US antenatal clinic, though in this small pilot trial the results were not statistically significant.
STUDY 2014 HTM file
Promoting supportive parenting in new mothers with substance use problems: a pilot randomized trial of residential treatment plus an attachment-based parenting program
After intensive coaching in parenting conducted with mother and child together, randomly selected mothers in residential treatment demonstrated more sensitive parenting than mothers not allocated to the programme, promising to intercept inter-generational transmission of poor parenting.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Brief screening questionnaires to identify problem drinking during pregnancy: a systematic review
Heavy drinking by mothers-to-be threatens their unborn child – but for that very reason, stigma may mean women shy away from admitting their problem. This review found several brief screening questionnaires showed promise in identifying mothers who might need to cut back, while others seemed unsuitable for the antenatal care context.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
A randomized pilot study of the Engaging Moms Program for family drug court
US researchers may have found a better way to support mothers at risk of losing custody of their children so they engage in and benefit from substance use treatment and meet family court requirements, meaning more children can safely stay with their parents.
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