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STUDY 2015 HTM file
Specialist substance misuse treatment for young people in England 2013–14

Judged by successful completion of treatment, official report documents improved specialist treatment of children with alcohol and drug problems in England. Patient numbers have fallen in line with trends in the general population, though cannabis bucked the general downturn and now dominates the treatment statistics.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Psychological and psychosocial interventions for cannabis cessation in adults: a systematic review short report

Conclusions supportive of cognitive-behavioural therapy for problem cannabis use from this authoritative UK assessment seem to conflict with earlier UK guidelines, though both query whether extended cognitive-behavioural therapy offers added value compared to briefer approaches.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Maintenance check-ups following treatment for cannabis dependence

Arranging aftercare check-ups to see how cannabis-dependent patients were doing and whether they needed to return to treatment helped sustain cannabis use reductions – but why did this advantage emerge even before the first check-up?

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Prevention of addictive behaviours

Based largely on existing reviews, this report for the German Federal Centre for Health Education comprehensively assesses substance use prevention approaches. Among its many conclusions are that approaches based solely on information provision are ineffective, in contrast to the more positive evidence for lifeskills and multi-component community programmes.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015

For the first time the annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England combines both drug and alcohol use patient records, registering a continuing trend down in total numbers due mainly to falls in users of heroin and other opiate-type drugs.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Changing patterns of substance misuse in adult prisons and service responses

Inspection findings on individual prisons were supplemented by fieldwork in eight prisons in 2014 to generate an overall picture of drug use and responses to it in prisons and England and Wales. In the face of rapidly changing and varied drug use patterns, policy and operational responses were seen as insufficiently flexible and dynamic, though treatment had dramatically improved.

STUDY 2014 HTM file
Drug treatment in England 2013–14

Authority responsible for promoting addiction treatment in England cautions that the gains of recent years in reduced drug use, lower demand for treatment for heroin and crack problems, improved treatment performance, and curbing drug-related harm, have all stalled or gone in to reverse.

REVIEW 2014 HTM file
Prize-based contingency management for the treatment of substance abusers: a meta-analysis

Systematically giving substance use patients a chance to win valuable prizes if they test abstinent offers a lower-cost alternative to ‘contingency management’ systems which provide rewards each time, but does it work? Across 18 studies the answer was ‘Yes,’ though effects soon faded.

STUDY 2014 HTM file
Drugs: international comparators

After seeing how drug policy worked overseas, UK government ministers and officials returned saying, “there is no apparent correlation between the ‘toughness’ of a country’s approach and the prevalence of adult drug use”, and that “better health outcomes for drug users cannot be shown to be a direct result of the enforcement approach”.

STUDY 2014 HTM file
Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

Does getting involved in sport divert adolescents from getting involved in drug or alcohol use? Perhaps with respect to the less normalised illicit drugs, but maybe not cannabis, and drinking actually seems to increase.

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