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DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Practice standards for young people with substance misuse problems

Practice standards developed by the UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists on working with young people aged 18 or under with substance misuse problems, intended (if followed) to promote high quality screening, assessment and treatment for these young people.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Alcohol problems in the criminal justice system: an opportunity for intervention

Based largely on prior research analyses and guidelines from the UK, these international guidelines offer an integrated model of best practice care for problem-drinking prisoners, grounded in research specific to prisons and in potentially applicable research in other settings.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Naltrexone and combined behavioral intervention effects on trajectories of drinking in the COMBINE study

Reanalysis of the largest US study of medication-based alcoholism treatment confirms that either naltrexone or psychological therapy improved outcomes more than medical care and placebos, while the two in combination or acamprosate added little. It also revealed previously invisible benefits when certain types of patients received certain treatments.

DOCUMENT 2013 HTM file
Sometimes best to break the rules

Motivational interviewing’s ‘Do not dos’ like avoiding confrontation were intended to sidestep the traps which provoke clients to dig in their heels or disengage. Imagine then the upset of discovering that in certain circumstances, the opposite is the case; the explanation appeared to lie in coming across as ‘genuine’.

STUDY 1981 HTM file
Interpersonal functioning of alcoholism counselors and treatment outcome

Seminal US study which found that the therapy-related social skills of alcohol counsellors were strongly related to how many of their patients relapsed in the two years after leaving inpatient treatment.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Long-term effect of community-based treatment: evidence from the adolescent outcomes project

The title speaks of long-term effects but in fact there were none from sending young US substance users to a youth therapeutic community specialising in substance use problems compared to non-specialist group homes; early gains had all eroded, an instance of the general difficulty of sustaining youth treatment outcomes.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Gender differences in client-provider relationship as active ingredient in substance abuse treatment

From the comprehensive treatment process data collected by a major national US study emerges the important lesson that retention in itself is not an active ingredient in post-treatment outcomes but reflects influences such having one's needs met (especially important for women) and developing a good relationship with the service and your key worker.

STUDY 2005 HTM file
How does motivational interviewing work? Therapist skill predicts client involvement within motivational interviewing sessions

Analysis of counselling session recordings from therapists trained in motivational interviewing suggests that the important quality of seeming 'genuine' can suffer if training mandates unnaturally withholding normal responses; however, departing from these tenets is risky unless done by a socially skilled therapist.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
The role of demographic characteristics and readiness to change in 12-month outcome from two distinct brief interventions for impaired drivers

Can repeat drink-driving offenders be swayed by just 30 minutes with a therapist, and would those minutes best be spent in motivational interviewing or providing information on alcohol? This Canadian study hints that 'Yes' is the answer to both questions – but only hints.

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Will intensive testing and sanctions displace treatment?

Enforce frequent drug or alcohol testing and levy swift, certain and meaningful sanctions for substance use, and many dependent users stop using without treatment. Is this increasingly how problem use will be dealt with, or just a niche option applicable to users over whom society can exert sufficient leverage?

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