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REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Social reintegration and employment: evidence and interventions for drug users in treatment
Report for the EU identifies an urgent need to increase access to social reintegration interventions for problem drug users. Though unable to pin down the best approaches, it stresses that reintegration measures should be embedded into drug treatment at an early stage.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Drug system change pilots evaluation: final report
Based on the yardstick of successful treatment completions, government-funded research in England offers no assurance that recovery-oriented redesigns of local treatment systems have generated more or more rapid recovery from addiction than usual arrangements. Evidence was stronger for focused attempts to improve continuity of care for offenders.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Behavioral counseling after screening for alcohol misuse in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Amalgamated findings from studies of risky drinkers identified and counselled in primary care settings indicate that compared to screening and assessment only, brief counselling lead to greater reductions in drinking, gains reflected less strongly in some indicators of health. However, it is unclear whether the generally small impacts would be sustained in routine practice.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Personalised normative feedback for preventing alcohol misuse in university students: Solomon three-group randomised controlled trial
Modern preventive interventions to reduce young people’s drinking rely heavily on correcting misperceptions that their peers drink more, but among 2611 students recruited from 122 UK universities, no reliable impacts were found, results in line with disappointing results from other studies.
REVIEW 2016 HTM file
Patient preferences and shared decision-making in the treatment of substance use disorders: a systematic review of the literature
The first review to evaluate shared decision-making and patient preferences for substance use treatment finds evidence that greater patient involvement in decisions can improve outcomes and has no negative impacts.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
‘Recovery’: meaning and implications for treatment
One of our selection of hot topics – important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Since 2008 the “recovery” objective has been at the heart of British drug treatment policy. Where did it come from and what does it mean for treatment services?
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
Treatment staff matter
One of our hot topics offering background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. By focusing on the intervention as if it were a mechanical lever, research has not just ignored but sought to eliminate what now seems a more important factor – the influence of the practitioner and how they relate to the patient.
The common core of therapy
‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. Lists entries relating to ‘Dodo bird’ findings that all bona fide therapies tend to have similar effects. Across mental health and behavioural problems, such findings have turned attention to the ‘common factors’ shared by therapies rather than how they differ.
DOCUMENT 2016 HTM file
Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings
Updated guidelines funded by the Australian government recommend universal mental health screening for people accessing substance use services, and say that mental health issues do not pose an “insurmountable barrier” to effective substance use treatment.
HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
The therapeutic potential of patients and clients
One of our hot topics offering background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. The recovery agenda emphasises the transformation of problem substance users into solutions to those problems through peer support and involvement in their own care – but perhaps at a deeper level, the patient or client has always been the author of their own recovery.
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