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STUDY 2013 HTM file
Criminal justice responses to drug related crime in Scotland

In one expert package, the recent history, results, achievements and possible drawbacks of Scotland's concerted attempt to engage drug-driven offenders in treatment at nearly every stage of the criminal justice system. Widening treatment access may have been the main plus, also widening entanglement in the criminal justice system the main minus.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Brief intervention for drug-abusing adolescents in a school setting: outcomes and mediating factors

Aged 16 and smoking cannabis or drinking coming up to one day in three, US youngsters identified as substance users by their schools substantially cut back in response to just two motivational counselling sessions, and even more when a third session addressed the parents at home.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Randomized trial of a reentry modified therapeutic community for offenders with co-occurring disorders: crime outcomes

From the USA, the first randomised trial of a post-prison therapeutic community designed for psychologically disturbed problem substance using offenders found it halved the numbers reimprisoned and did even better when preceded by similar in-prison treatment, confirmation that what happens when people leave prison can be critical.

REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues: a systematic review of studies reporting on parenting outcomes

The first systematic review of whether integrated substance use/parenting programmes improve the parenting of problem substance using mothers found remarkably few quality studies, but enough to suggest that such programmes can improve the prospects of often highly at-risk children.

REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Effect of buprenorphine dose on treatment outcome

How much buprenorphine does it take to keep patients in treatment and suppress illicit use of heroin or other opiate-type drugs? This review concludes that on average higher is better than lower, but that individualising dose and a preparedness to go high if needed are the keys to effective treatment.

DOCUMENT 2013 HTM file
Community loses from failure to offer maintenance prescribing in prisons

An international team of experts has argued that failure to implement effective opioid maintenance programmes in prison represents an important missed opportunity to engage high-risk drug users in treatment, at possibly substantial costs to the individuals and to the community. Is Britain too losing out, and how does the future look?

DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
An introduction to extended-release injectable naltrexone for the treatment of people with opioid dependence

Few treatments arouse as much controversy as long-acting naltrexone implants or injections which promise to block the effects of heroin for up to several months. But in the USA the injected form has been licensed for treating opioid dependence. This document offers official US clinical guidance to doctors undertaking the treatment.

DOCUMENT 2009 HTM file
Management of cannabis use disorder and related issues: a clinician’s guide

Guidance funded by the Australian government and systematically based on the evidence. Covers the range of cannabis use interventions from brief advice for users identified by screening through to managing withdrawal and treating dependence.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Treatment seeking and subsequent 1-year drinking outcomes among treatment clients in Sweden and the U.S.A.: a cross-cultural comparison

Detailed examination of how differing welfare and treatment systems and understandings of dependence affect the alcohol caseloads of substance use treatment services in Sweden and the USA and how they fare in the year after starting treatment; reveals differences and similarities in what 'success' consists of and what seems to promote it.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
The impact of worker values on client outcomes within a drug treatment service

From England, findings suggesting the intriguing but for the moment tentative possibility that non-conformist drug workers who value hedonism and stimulation help socially excluded clients improve most because their values match those of their clients.

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