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STUDY 2015 HTM file
The impact of paying treatment providers for outcomes: difference-in-differences analysis of the ‘payment by results for drugs recovery’ pilot
A flagship drug treatment policy initiative appears to have backfired in England, where the government’s pilot payment-by-results schemes seem to have led to fewer successful completions of treatment and more prospective patients declining treatment.
HOT TOPIC 2020 HTM file
What about evidence-based commissioning?
‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. In the UK the landscape of drug and alcohol service commissioning to meet need in an area has radically altered – a leap in the dark illuminated only dimly by prior evidence and current evaluations.
Focus on women
‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. How do women’s substance use problems, needs and outcomes differ from those of men? Marking International Women’s Day 2020, this collection search mainly retrieves treatment research but includes some prevention analyses.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell D2: Organisational functioning: Generic and cross-cutting issues
Key studies on the how the characteristics and functioning of treatment organisations affect implementation and effectiveness. Learn to see the organisational context as part of the treatment, about two evidence-based US quality improvement resources, and consider what makes treatment services engaging and whether they should extend that engagement into long-term continuing care. See the remaining four cells in row 2 of the matrix for more on generic features of medical and psychosocial therapies.
REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Heroin on trial: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials of diamorphine-prescribing as treatment for refractory heroin addiction
The UK has a long history of prescribing heroin for the treatment of heroin dependence. What has research from six countries concluded about this intensive intervention intended for patients who would otherwise be considered ‘unresponsive’ to treatment?
STUDY 2019 HTM file
Increased diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C in prison by universal offer of testing and use of telemedicine
How can testing and treatment for hepatitis C be optimised in custodial settings? Prisons in the North East of England trialled new care pathways including a universal offer of testing using less invasive procedures and treatment facilitated by digital technology.
DOCUMENT 2019 HTM file
Prison Drugs Strategy
National agency responsible for prison and probation services in England and Wales announces three-point plan for tackling the presence of drugs and drug use problems, based on the principles of restricting supply, reducing demand, and building recovery.
DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for commissioners and service providers
People with co-occurring mental health and substance use problems are often unable to access the care they need. This 2017 guide from Public Health England describes what better care would look like, underpinned by the principles that there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing support, and it is ‘everyone’s job’ the other side of the door to help.
REVIEW 2019 HTM file
The effectiveness of residential treatment services for individuals with substance use disorders: a systematic review
Has enough high-quality evidence accumulated over the past five years to improve confidence in the effectiveness of residential treatment?
Within treatment systems that have tended to underestimate or overlook the importance of ‘trauma-informed’ practice, this study explores how practitioners in England respond to the needs of women with substance use problems, histories of abuse, and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
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