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STUDY 2010 HTM file
Counselor motivational interviewing skills and young adult change talk articulation during brief motivational interventions

In the study of Swiss army conscripts, reflective listening emerged as possibly the key active ingredient in a brief alcohol intervention based on motivational interviewing.

REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Pharmacotherapies for the treatment of opioid dependence: efficacy, cost-effectiveness and implementation guidelines

From some of the same Australian authors who produced classic texts on maintenance prescribing for heroin addiction, a major new text analysing research on all types of drug-based interventions including maintenance, opiate-blocking drugs, and managing withdrawal.

Cognitive-behavioral treatment with adult alcohol and illicit drug users: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Cognitive-behavioural therapies are among the most widespread and influential approaches to substance use, yet this analysis found they conferred just a small advantage over other therapies. Perhaps other features are more important than the therapeutic 'brand'.

REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Prescription of heroin for the management of heroin dependence: current status

Should heroin prescribing be a mass treatment entry route or a niche option for the few who have not done well in optimised (but still cheaper) mainstream treatments? With nearly all the latest studies to hand, this review came down firmly on the 'niche' side of the debate.

REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Refocusing drug-related law enforcement to address harms

'Target enforcement to reduce individual and community harm' is the premise of this report from a UK drug policy think tank, one which seems widely understood, though in some quarters, deeply contested.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 113Kb
Recently attempting suicide one of the strongest indicators for residential treatment

In this US study most patients benefited to roughly the same degree from residential and non-residential programmes, but those who had recently attempted suicide responded dramatically better to residential programmes, doing even better than the other patients.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 116Kb
Initiating methadone prescribing in prison promotes its continuation on release

From Baltimore a study which shows that offering substitution treatment in prison to offenders whose offending was driven by opiate dependence means they are much more likely to continue treatment on release, helping to cut crime.

REVIEW 2006 PDF file 174Kb
Antidepressants curb depression but add little to strong 'talking therapies'

A trio of reviews of trials of antidepressants in the treatment of depressed alcohol or drug dependent patients have clarified that they do help the severely depressed, but also that they add little to psychosocial approaches such as cognitive-behavioural therapy.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 171Kb
Matching resources to needs is key to achieving 'wrap-around' care objectives

Linking treatment intake assessments to a computerised guide to local welfare and medical services transformed the assessments from redundant paperwork into a practical route to the reintegration services being advocated in Britain – and treatment completion rates doubled.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 169Kb
Soup kitchen turned into therapeutic setting

A successful group therapy programme at a large New York soup kitchen shows that welfare services with high concentrations of problem substance users can be transformed from environments which impede recovery into ones which promote it.

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