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STUDY 2009 HTM file
Improving 24-month abstinence and employment outcomes for substance-dependent women receiving Temporary Assistance For Needy Families with intensive case management

Intensive, long-term case management coordinating treatment and other services helped US 'welfare mothers' overcome their drug problems and gain full time employment.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Toward cost-effective initial care for substance-abusing homeless

Offering homeless, unemployed people seeking treatment for cocaine dependence access to housing and paid employment if they stay drug-free is a powerful incentive, but adding intensive counselling helps maintain abstinence once the incentives end.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Organizational- and individual-level correlates of posttreatment substance use: a multilevel analysis

Using advanced methods, this US study asked what makes for an effective treatment agency. Being constrained by funders in terms of services and ability to individualise treatments was the clearest negative factor, quality accreditation the clearest positive.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 164Kb
Female crack smokers respond well to standard HIV risk-reduction sessions

Outreach work among inner-city female drug users in Atlanta demonstrated the potential impact of just two standard sessions addressing the sex- and drug-related HIV risk of crack smokers, but also the utility of more customised help, especially for injectors.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 165Kb
Check how your former patients are doing

In Chicago a simple quarterly check up on how former patients were doing doubled the number of relapsers who returned to treatment and hastened their return, in the end cutting the numbers still in need of help.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 156Kb
Prison treatment in Scotland fails to impress

The first published findings from the national Scottish drug treatment evaluation highlighted the relative inadequacy and ineffectiveness of treatment inside as opposed to outside prison.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 159Kb
Methadone maintenance as low-cost lifesaver

US studies find that even when slow methadone detoxification is bolstered by psychosocial therapy and aftercare, methadone maintenance does better at prolonging the lives of opiate-dependent patients at relatively little extra cost.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 166Kb
Dual diagnosis add-on to mental health services improves outcomes

A unique British study has found that treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients benefit from additional integrated substance use/mental health therapy, which may also save costs by reducing the need for inpatient care.

IN PRACTICE 2004 PDF file 418Kb
Giving the silent majority a voice

Constrained by guidelines and standards, a UK prescribing service could do little to respond to user survey feedback.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 259Kb
Leading Australian treatment centre distills its experience in to practical guides

The Turning Point Centre has to date produced nine manuals distilling its considerable research and practice experience on among other topics, psychosocial therapies, harm reduction, managing withdrawal, and aftercare.

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